⋆˙⟡quite the sight⋆˙⟡

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     Y/n and Professor Moriarty took a carriage to his household. "Before we go, I must warn you, there are a lot of people there" he told Y/n. "I should be fine" she replied to him. "How old are you Y/n?" Professor Moriarty asked. "Nineteen" she replied to him. "Interesting" he said. "How so?" she asked. "I think you can make a friend" he said. Y/n was slightly confused but went with it. 

  Once they arrived at Professor Moriarty's home, he opened the door and the two of them entered. "I'm home" he announced. A tall man with the same blond hair and red eyes as Professor Moriarty welcomed them in. "Welcome back" he smiled at Professor Moriarty. "Louis this is Y/n, one of my students. Y/n, that is my younger brother Louis" Moriarty explained. "Nice to meet you" they said in unison. "She will be spending the evening with us" Professor Moriarty explained to his brother. 

   He took Y/n to the dining room table and she continued to solve the equation. "I'm home" Y/n heard a voice enter the house. "Hey Albert, how was work?" Professor Moriarty asked a brown haired man with green eyes. "Work was...work, who is this?" he asked. "This is Y/n, she is one of my students, Y/n that is my older brother, Albert" Professor Moriarty introduced him. Y/n looked up from her notes. "It is very nice to meet you" she smiled at him. 

   Albert walked over to the table to see what Y/n was working and then backed away when he saw how complex the work was. "I'm sure you will be done soon" he smiled awkwardly before looking at William. 'You are mad' he mouthed to him. William rolled his eyes and ignored his brother. Unbeknownst to Y/n, there were two more men in the house, Sebastian Moran and Fred Porlock. Moran took a peek into the dining room and saw a girl who looked to be Fred's age. 

   He went to Fred's room and knocked on the door. "Hey Fred, Will needs you" he blatantly lied. Fred opened the door. "Where is he?" he asked Sebastian. "The dining room" he responded. Fred made his way to the dining room and saw William before he saw Y/n. "William did you need me?" Fred asked. Y/n turned her head when she heard an unfamiliar voice. "...I do not, but you can get us some tea if you would like" William suggested. 

   It was the first time Fred saw Y/n and oh my goodness, he thought she was so pretty. Her curly chestnut hair with that bow in her hair made her look even more cute. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't know how to. Fred came back with two cups of tea and placed them on the table. "Thank you so much, I never got your name" Y/n said to Fred. "I'm Fred, you?" he asked Y/n. "My name is Y/n" even her smile was bright. "Oh...that's a beautiful name" he complimented her. A tint of pink appeared on Y/n's cheeks. 

   "I apologize, was that uncalled for?" Fred asked. "No no no, I have never received a compliment like that before" Y/n spoke quickly, her mouth moving faster than her brain can process things. Fred quickly left the room before he too became a blushing mess. "Oi Moran!" he banged on his bedroom door. "Yes?" Sebastian asked innocently. "I am going to murder you!" he said to his elder.

   "Hey! Show me some respect I am a veteran" Sebastian said. "Oh really? I can finish what your enemies could not" Fred threatened the man who was a foot taller than him. "Okay I'm sorry" Sebastian started getting nervous because he knew how dangerous Fred really was. Y/n was still a little flustered. "Don't mind him, he's pretty shy" William said to Y/n. "My face...is it still red?" she asked her professor. "No...you are perfectly fine" William lied. "Oh dear! My heart feels like it is leaping out of my chest" Y/n told William. "Do you want to take a break for today?" he asked Y/n. "As much as I'd like to stay, I think I have to leave" Y/n said. 

   William arranged for a carriage for Y/n to get back to campus safely and then he went upstairs to check on Fred. "You alright up here?" he asked Fred. "Yeah, yeah I am, why do you ask?" Fred tried playing it off. "You fancy her do you not?" William asked. "Me? Fancy her? I just met Y/n" Fred denied. "You said her name" William said. "So? That is her name" Fred said. "She was the only woman in the house today" William explained. "Fine...she is quite the sight" Fred admitted. "You may have a chance, but I forbid you from distracting her from her studies" William said. "Will I ever see her again?" Fred asked. "I am not sure lover boy" William left Fred alone in his room with his thoughts. 

  As soon as Y/n arrived at her dorm, she jumped on her bed and put her face in her hands. "Ah cher, why do I feel like this?" she asked herself. Her heart was no longer pounding in her chest; instead, her stomach had butterflies and she could not think of anything but that boy with the dark hair. 

   William got a drink in the kitchen and Albert and Sebastian were in the dining room. "That girl huh?" Albert said. "I think our boy has a bit of a crush" Will said. "You guys can thank me" Sebastian raised his glass, with Whiskey in it. "We cannot make him feel embarrassed" Albert said. "We can give him a little push" Sebastian said. "I already made it clear that he cannot disrupt her studies" William was stern.

   "Party pooper" Sebastian said. "That is the girl I promised to watch over" William explained. "Ahhh la belle fille" Albert realized. "Well...she does speak a romance language, maybe it's a sign" Sebastian pointed out. "You truly are a dimwit, I suggest you sleep with one eye open before Fred gets to you" William reminded Sebastian. "You're right, maybe we should end this conversation" Sebastian said.


Ah cher- Oh dear
la belle fille- the beautiful girl

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