004: Marlow

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A door was barged opened and it revealed the green haired girl.

Her sudden appearance had started Mizu in fright. (im not repeating it again as he already mentioned as the nerd kid.)

???: You were there at that moment...

She then brought up a photo of Purple who facing the opposite direction talking to Ami and the others, but his face was circled.

???: Do you know anything about that kid?

Mizu shakes his head nervously, still very intimidated by her.

Seeing this, the girl groans and walks away, passing by a few guys using the urinal, revealing that she was in the boy's restroom all along! (Also why, Why the guys are using the urinal are soooo close to each other :c)

She brought out of the picture again, but with some of Purple buds are shown, it's only Yellow and White taken pictured a far.

???: Hmm...


A Few weeks has already passed since Purple and alongside with his Specialties Occupier (If you wanted to count that) had arrived in this new world.

Since then, adapting in the new world, and accepting Queen Gwain's terms, Finding newfound friends along the way!

Although, those following days, Purple and his Friends has been going on hectic adventures throughout the Gwain Kingdom, battling monsters around but mostly robots sent by luna, but wait... there's a new type of enemy that Purple and his friends has to face Mercenaries and Bandits outside or inside of Gwain's Kingdom.

Ami and her friend decide to help out Purple and his friend battle, stopping every menace in their way.

Thanks to this, all of them had grown stronger together as well their friendship! (note: Purple Friends clothing are different through 003 and 004 which is like an upgrade.)

Gwain also helps out in Training with purple as both always spars with each other.

She wouldn't admit it but she grew to like hmm... tolerate Purple, although she always gets pissed off from Purple teasing which always gets under her skin (Purple, you done it well that you made a girl flustered not once, not twice, not thrice but 5 girls that you made flustered.)

The nerves of him for sure!

And there's also the other one...


Her background is still mysterious to the group as she keeps sending out her robots to fight them, but who hired the mercs? is not Luna since she made a lot of robots, the contractor is still unknown, although Purple and his friends are enjoying crushing them all, and yes, the others are annoyed to deal with them.

Luna Can't lie either, she enjoying it well~

Words of Purple and his friends spread around the kingdom or in fact even beyond from his heroism.

Many had come to know of his existence, some were in awe while others were wary of him. can't you blame them?

Their existence is a mystery enough as they appeared out of nowhere, being the personal bodyguard of Princess Ami and not to mention, his hair is white is very suspicious enough to certain people.


???: That kid is a menace for this school!

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