003: Agni and Deva

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*Insert Ami childhood memory with a girl who has sky blue eye and hair as they were in a school as a child*

As Purple slowly waking up the first thing, he sees is Ami is staring at him in awe I don't know why either his eyes or something.

Purple: Hmm... Okay, okay, I'm up now hold on...

he slowly gets up and puts his visor on and started having a cereal breakfast with Ami.

Shift to the scene where Purple stood in front of Gwain, both facing a few meters away each other. 

Ami is also there, watching in the sidelines with her pet dragon Noobe, Really it's a dragon? it look like more of a cute blob thingy with legs...

Purple: *Deep sigh* So... what are we doing here and why are we on some sort of standoff?

Gwain: Alright, if you want to stay alive, you should know how to protect yourself to protect Ami.

Purple: yeah but... I know how to fight. but I only have a decent reaction time when its come to faster opponents like you Queen... 

Gwain: True but in this world, threats come in size, amount and power.

Gwain: Since you have no Magic, you can't defend yourself against it. therefore in this training, I won't use it...

Purple raises an eyebrow.

Purple: you do realize that people you saw yesterday that is near me is my Abilities, right?

Gwain Looks confused by what he just said.

Gwain: what do you mean by abilities, are you suggesting you have Magic?

Purple: If you put in that way yes but only have one ability I could use.

Gwain: And that is? 

Purple: This.

He summons Yellow by using his hand gesture.

Purple: I know you seen him before.

Gwain: WAIT WHAT!? But You're a human right? I thought Humans has no Magics or some sort.

Yellow: You could say that, but some humans are selected for holding such thing because of Greed of power and control. 

He Fist bump purple as he went remerge.

Purple: So... shall we continue this training or?

Gwain: Alright No magic use only Hand to hand combat, okay?

Purple: Yeah... I'm fine with that Hehe...

Gwain: Listen Here, I'll let you pass if you manage to punch me, If I knock you down before that, the sequence won't count.

After she said that she immediately dashes to purple ready to punch him but with Purple having a Decent Reaction speed and catches her hand perfectly only for her tries to kick him with Purple thinking strategically to how he gonna punch her.

Ding Ding he found out now, As Gwain Continue to kicking him and he manages grab one of her legs.

Purple: Gotcha now Queen.

As Gwain tries to kick him with her one leg but he pulls her towards him.

Purple: Does this count Queen?~

this catches Gwain off guard by his sultry tone making her blush and purple drops her from the ground.

Purple: Does this concluded today training? or not?

Gwain: F-Fine! I'll let that slide for now, but you need to improve your attacks Purple.

Purple: Welp here let me help you get up.

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