2. Seeking Comfort

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Blitzø headed to Stolas' place. However, Stolas wasn't home yet.

Blitzø rushed into the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

This is the face of failure! You're a fool! Maybe he doesn't want you! That's why he isn't here! *laughs*

Blitzø looked at a few photos of he and Stolas that were scattered on the counter. He took a permanent marker from his pocket and crossed out his face in all of them.

"I hate myself. . ." He lamented. Tears streamed down his cheeks.



I have an idea! Find a knife, and slit your fucking wrists! You deserve it for pushing everyone away! You're ugly anyway, no one wants to see your face! You'll eventually bleed out!

Blitzø ran into the kitchen, grabbed the sharpest knife, and ran back into the bathroom. He held it tightly in his hand. He managed to slit a few cuts, and it felt good, almost like he was drunk, or even high. He cut a little deeper. He did the same with his other wrist. At the end of the hour, both arms had cuts. The voice kept repeating the same chant from earlier. Blitzø couldn't take it much longer. He threw objects from the bathroom counter. He made a mess, but that didn't help at all. Nohing could. He fell to the ground and bawled his eyes out.

"I'm a fucking idiot! I knew it! I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!!!!! I'LL FUCKING SLIT MYSELF!!!!! I'LL FUCKING DO IT AGAIN!!!!!" He cut more slits into his arms, and even began cutting his legs.

Suddenly, the bathroom door flung open. Blitzø realized he had forgotten to lock the door. Stolas immediately ran to help Blitzø, being more concerned than mad.

"Blitzy!!!!! Put that down, please?!?!?!" Stolas grabbed Blitzø and tried to pry the knife from his hands.

"NO! PLEASE! I WANNA END MY MISERY!!!!" Blitzø commanded.

"You'll hurt yourself! Give me it now!" Stolas and Blitzø fought for awhile until Blitzø eventually gave up, dropping the weapon.

Stolas hid the knife in one of the cabinets and got out some bandages.


Blitzø was crying uncontrollably. He felt something gentle pick him up: the arms of his lover.

"This is all my fault. . . I trashed this place. . . You probably hate me. . ." Blitzø cried.

"Blitzy, I'll never hate you. I love you, I'm always here for you, and I'm worried sick about you. Life without you has no meaning." Stolis said.

"R-really?" Blitzø asked.

"Yes," Stolas said as he wrapped Blitzø's wounds. He then placed Blitzø on his lap. "You see, I have the same problem. I can control myself, but I always have those flashbacks. Some days are harder than others. They're always there. . ."

"I fucking hate myself. . . I can't get these voices out of my head. . . They're still here. . . Th-they're-they're still here!" Blitzø buried his face into Stolas' feathery chest. The feeling caused a great sense of love, protection, and comfort. He sobbed. A lot. Stolas' chest was soaked, but he didn't mind.

"Blitzy, look into my eyes," Stolas gently pushed Blitzø's face up to look at him by the chin. "You're stronger than you think. You're a fighter. You're a survivor. You've been through so much, and you know what?"


"You're still here. That's all that matters. That you're okay, and no one is gonna hurt you. Not on my watch." Stolas began rubbing circles on Blitzø's back.

After a while of crying, Blitzø felt a sensation of serotonin.

"Stolas?" Blitzø asked.

"Yes, dear." Stolas responded gently.

"Can we watch Spirit together?"

"Of course, dear," Stolas smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "You don't have to worry about cleaning this up. I'll do it when you fall asleep."

"And can you tell everyone I'm okay?" Blitzø asked.

"Sure thing." Stolas said.

Stolas called The I.M.P. headquarters, and Moxxie picked up.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"It's me, Stolas. Blitzø wanted you guys to know he is safe. I'm with him right now."

"Thank Satan! He had us all worried sick!" Moxxie said in relief.

"We are just gonna hang here for the night."

"Thank you very much! We are relieved!" Millie said as Moxxie gave her the phone. "I hope y'all have a great night!"

"Same to you. See you later."

Stolas hung up.

They went to Blitzø's apartment to grab some of his belongings, and went back to the castle.

After getting changed, they began the movie. As they snuggled on the couch, Blitzø began purring softly, snuggling his Spirit plush. Stolas looked at him and smiled. He gave him a peck on the cheek.

Blitzø climbed into Stolas' lap. "I love you." He said, drained from the day.

"I love you too, dear." Stolas replied.

The Inner Voice: A Helluva Boss Angst Fic (NO LONGER UPDATED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt