1. Realization

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Blitzø couldn't concentrate. He didn't know why he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Was he tired? Did he drink too much iced coffee? Why was he feeling this way?

He was his normal, happy, silly self just a day ago. Now, he just felt sick.

He just sat there with a paper in front of him. Suddenly, Moxxie barged into his office.

"Sir, what is it with these horses!?!?!?!" he fussed.

Blitzø was staring into space.

"SIR!!!!" Moxxie yelled.

Blitzø snapped out of it. He noticed Moxxie holding two of his toy horses.

"Oh, sorry, Mox! I was just thinking about how much fun work will be today!" he lied.

"I found your stupid horses hidden in the bathroom cabinet!" Moxxie fussed again.

"Hey! I was looking for those!" Blitzø said. He happily grabbed the horses and put them on his desk. "Now get to work!" he demanded.

Just as Moxxie left the room, Blitzø suddenly heard a strange voice.

You're worthless. Your father abused you for a reason! And your sister hates you for a reason! Fizz stopped being your friend because you are a selfish little prick who deserves no love! Oh, and don't think I'll forget your girlfriend! Oops! I mean, EX-girlfriend! *laughter* You're a sore loser who pushes away everyone because you're so scared of being abandoned! Scaredy-cat! Ha ha! Everyone you meet will eventually push you away!

"Um, sir?" Moxxie had walked in again. No response.


No response again.

"SIR!!!!!" Moxxie screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Ahh!" Blitzø yelled, finally being snapped out again.

"I was going to ask you to do something, but apparently younot going to listen!" Moxxie said.

"I'm sorry! I was silently planning our day!" Blitzø said.

The Inner Voice: A Helluva Boss Angst Fic (NO LONGER UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now