Ket took a moment to slowly hang up this second call, pausing for a second to forlornly glance at the Ritilian egg replica, his now broken souvenir lying smashed along the floor, before looking up at Nulan with a small cold smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. What was the nature of your visit to the Terran alliance diplomatic outreach program today?"

That caused the Feline to scream once more in rage

"I am here for war, as retaliation for your dishonourable despicable acts! You deaf stupid weakling!"

Mr Ket gave an exaggerated mock frown of disappointment, before reading into a desk and pulling out a large datapad, handing it towards Nulan.

"I'm sorry that we weren't able to resolve this in a more optimal manner. If you would like to review our standard Geneva conflict agreement we-"

In a flurry of fury the Kigrel grabbed the device out of the hands of the Terran and threw it against the wall.

"We will not be bound by your trifling ideas of what weaklings believe war is! This will be a Kigrel war, a proper war!"

Mr Ket took a moment to glance at the small dent that now adorned the wall to his left with annoyance, before returning to his normal cold smile.

"Rude. So you're saying you want an unlimited war? A total war, a war with no rules?"

"Yes! That is what we are here for, are you slow in mind as well as body!?"

This time the Terran gave a larger smile, an actual smile, before retrieving another datapad from the drawer underneath his desk, handing this new document over.

"Certainly. Please mark the Kigrel's warhorde intent for such an action here please."

Nulan swiped this new device from the hands of Mr Ket without reading it, signing it with a paw press in an instant before tossing it back at the other person in the room.

"Finally. The Kirgel Warhorde will meet you on the battlefield and have our-"


Two things had happened in one fluid motion. The Terran had placed the datapad neatly back into its proper place, as even he knew the importance of good paperwork in such matters. Secondly, Mr Ket had retrieved the FN five seven pistol he kept stored there, pointed it across the table, and simply blown a hole through Nulan's leg.

There was a momentary pause, where both parties seemed to take the time to take stock of this new reality, before the Kigrel collapsed to the floor, clutching her now bleeding limb and screaming.


Mr Ket took this moment to get up from his seat, keeping his weapon trained on the feline in front of him, just in case she also had her own weapon. Not that Nulan was in such a state of mind, all the anger and indignation had melted away into a state of shock.

"WHAT THE VOID! You shot me! You shot a diplomat, are you insane, you can't do that!"

The Terran took a moment to raise a single eyebrow.

"Really? I thought you wanted 'war with no rules'. Not shooting diplomats is a rule."

"That's not what I Voiding meant! Why do you even have a weapon, you are a voiding diplomat!"

Mr Ket took a moment to wag a single finger at the Kigrel on the floor in front of him, as if scolding a child instead of staring at someone he'd just shot.

"The real question is why don't you have a weapon? If my job was to go around declaring total war on people, I'd want to be packing while doing so."

He took a moment to stare at the bullet which was now embedded in the far wall, brushing over it with his fingers as if he could just rub away the damage before giving a sigh.

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