Hang out.

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After a long night of work and small conversations about memes, videos and morning plans, they ended up to make a small waking to the store together, as a small hang out day. In the morning after a quick breakfast and dressing up, they peacefully left 3's place and headed to the mall that was nearby.

SMG4: so..what exactly do we need?
SMG3: since your laptop has got down, I'll- we'll buy a new one.
SMG4: really?! Thanks a lot man!

SMG4 hit on 3's shoulder playfully without meaning to hurt him, SMG3 only looked at him with a bit of a smile but yet frowning. They got into the devices department and 4 began to look around the laptops and other devices for the new fresh laptop.
SMG3 looked at him a bit ashamed for the previous actions and hardly forced himself to speak up about it.

SMG3: uh, dude? Look I..

He suddenly paused as he saw SMG4 looking directly at him with a confused face but yet curious.

SMG4: what?
SMG3: I...ugh. Just, sorry for before actions. I was annoyed.
SMG4: ohh..that's fine. You're always a stubborn annoyed guy I've known so, it's alright.
SMG3: stubborn?! Hah! I'm not such a stubborn one, just have a different view.
SMG4: it's not like a bad thing 3, you're...being yourself as much as you can and, all of that.
SMG3: ..myself?

He whispered to himself and slowly looking to the side from 4. Things began to change more often and 3 couldn't help it but to feel confused. He felt someone's eyes on him and seen how closely 4 is watching him.

SMG3: what? Is something wrong with my face that you're staring?

SMG4 chuckled and nods his head to no.

SMG4: you looked overwhelming so..-
SMG3: staring at me won't help baka. Choose the damn laptop and let's go.

4 noticed how flustered SMG3 looked after a minute of staring, looks like it made him feel embarrassed, especially after a sudden conversation. SMG4 only made a small chuckle and takes the laptop he decided to take.
After a long walking around the mall, they finally got home, after buying much for the house and new devices.

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