2 weeks remains.

448 9 3

After a successful getting the castle construction back, SMG4 ended up not having a laptop after the "small" accident, and yet no bed to sleep on too. He looks around his friends to ask a favor of staying with them for a few days or before the castle would be finished. His view fell on SMG3 who stood near the construction.

SMG4: YO 3!
Shouted 4. It didn't took long for SMG3 to turn around and make a small annoyed frown expression. SMG4 ran towards 3 and smiled.
SMG3: what?
SMG4: thank you for trying to help with getting the construction back! But...I guess there's no place for me to sleep or to now use laptop so could yo-
SMG3: whoa whoa whoa! Slow down dude, the good guy sh* is a nice opportunity but not that far to let someone LIVE with me!

SMG3 wasn't very happy about the idea, but for some reason he couldn't now stand seeing SMG4's sad "annoying" expression of the begging.

SMG4: c'moooon..just a few days and you won't see me at your place.
SMG3: ........you're annoying. Fine! Just don't make this face.

SMG4 nods and his face changed to a small excitement and joy.
After a while of walking through the long way to SMG3's place, they entered the room. SMG4 looked around and immediately been stopped by SMG3, who blocked his way to the other room.

SMG3: look, don't get too used in living here, it's only..A FEW DAYS. And be a bit kind to not rage over own videos or memes, just be quite after midnight.
SMG4: alriiight..your place after all. Oh one more thing! Can I use your laptop to work yet my laptop is being resorted...I guess.
SMG3: uh..it's completely broken idiot. Whatever, but don't broke it too.

SMG4 only showed him a thumb up and after 3 freed the way, 4 went straight to the laptop to start working.

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