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"Lloyd!" I screamed out his name and ran towards him before he would get stabbed by his abdomen by the man behind him, he was busy fighting a thug that was in front of him that was swinging his bat while Lloyd was trying to stop the bat by his sword that he didn't notice the other thug behind him.

The other ninjas where also far way from Lloyd fighting the other thugs and I was the only one near him, I ran as fast as I could and pushed the thug and we landed on the floor I was at the floor and he was on top of me I tried to push him away but I felt something, I felt a sharp pain on my abdomen. He got off of me and retreated along with other thugs.

I stood up and I felt something on my left side, I felt something as I stood up. I looked at my hand and saw what I feared.

I lost balance and fell on the floor leaving a loud thud. The Ninjas saw the pool of blood surrounding me, I was starting to feel weak.

Zane was the first to help me he applied pressure on the wound but the bleeding kept going. Lloyd was there telling everyone to seek help and call an ambulance.

"Amari! Hang in there!" He yelled out as he went to my side and held my hand squeezing it tightly and Zane was trying his best to stop the bleeding, but somehow it was no avail. Nya was speaking trough a phone tears where forming in her eyes, Jay was panicking, Cole was in fear also trying to help at what he could do, Kai was helping Zane out with what he could do.

Lloyd was yelling out my name but I was zoning out, is this what they say before you die memories starts to flash before your eyes?

I started to remember everything. Starting with
My little brother ordering candy at Jamanaki Village, the great devourer, the fight with the overlord, the tournament of elements, my brother being possessed by Morro, the fight with the time twins, the sons of garmadon, when me and the ninjas except Lloyd and Nya we're stranded in a barbaric realm, the fight with the onis, the forbidden secrets of spinjitsu, prime empire, when we went to shintaro, and when we went to the island of the keepers to find mom and uncle Wu, Nya's sacrifice to save Ninjago, and when Harumi let the overlord out but we defeated it.

"Amari! Please hang on!" Kai yelled at me.
Nya was crying looking at me also trying to help out at what she can do.
"The knife stabbed her too deep, Nya. When is the ambulance coming?" Zane asked.
"They said they're 5 minutes away! But they're coming!" Nya said in a panic.

"We don't have 5 Minutes!" Lloyd yelled as tears kept flowing out of his eyes.
"Sis! Please! Hang in there! You can make it-" I cutted Lloyd off.

"No.." I said with my raspy voice. "Don't waste...Your tears on me.." I felt my body starting to lose it's strength.

"What are you saying?! Don't say such thing in the verge of death!" Lloyd yelled at me, his voice starting to break.

"I'm..I'm sorry Lloyd..That, I wasn't there for you your whole life and that you got sent to darkleys', I was living my life training with Uncle that I never even knew mom gave birth and I had a little brother that got sent to that boarding school. I should've...Been there for you.. And I'm really sorry
that you had to..Grow up and didn't had the chance to live..a normal childhood..If I had, stopped father from turning the grundal would've been physically... and mentally 15 right now...I'm sorry.. " My voice was slowly fading.

"No! Don't say that! You didn't knew and so did I! I'm not mad! I-I, I chose this! I knew the consequences of the tomorrows tea!" Lloyd cried out.

I listened to Lloyds words and it made me smile. I pulled him into a hug my blood staining his green GI.

"I'm sorry..this is probably.. It for me.."
Lloyd shaked in fear as he gripped onto the hug tighter.

"You're all..Not hurt aren't you guys? Especially you...Lloyd..right?" I asked as I carresed Lloyds head.

"No I'm not." Lloyd said as he cried.
"Please Amari...Don't say such things!" Nya cried out.
"Listen to us Amari! You're not gonna die okay?" Kai said as he was trying to hold back his tears.

I weakly smiled at them as I looked at them and back to Lloyd.

"I wonder...What kind of woman you would make happy Lloyd...And..Beautiful niece and nephew you would've gifted me.." I said in between voices.

"As you grew up powerful and healthy...I wanted to be there at every second I can be to see it.." I said as tears fell down my face.

"Kai...Nya...Jay...Cole...Zane...Please, take care of Lloyd for me...and Lloyd...I love you..." I said as I slowly closed my eyes with a smile. And there, the pink ninjas' last breath was wasted at. But it was wasted in a precious way.


"You're not ready my child...Not yet..."
A voice said as I stood in empty darkness. As I was sucked into a light and I opened my eyes.

Brother, let's meet again. (Lloyd x OC)Where stories live. Discover now