Amor Mio

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POV Adrien:

After the party, I went back to my room to take some rest for tomorrow. I had a shower and put a bathrobe. When I was about to take it off and dry myself, I heard a knock on the door

 When I was about to take it off and dry myself, I heard a knock on the door

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#His Room

I went to open it as I found Marinette in front of my door but I close it and went to my bed. I'm not in the mood to see anyone

Marinette: sei così zoppo, sono qui per darti un caffè... caffè nero (you are so lame, I'm here to give you some coffee... black coffee)

I sighed and I went to open the door. I got the cup of coffee and closed the door again, without even saying a thank you.

The Italian girl was mumbling behind the door and stomping her foot on the floor like a damn baby. I thought that she will shut up after two minutes but she didn't and she begins to be a pain and I really want to blow her head

I put the coffee on the stand and went to open the door. I found her hands on her hips, glaring at me, still in her dress

Adrien: che cazzo vuoi? Non chiudi il becco? (what the fuck you want? Don't you shut the fuck up?)

Marinette: sei così scortese (you are so rude)

Adrien: lo so. cosa vuoi da me ora? (I know. what you want from me now?)

Marinette: chi sei? (who are you?)

Adrien: domani saprai chi sono. qualche altra domanda? (tomorrow you will know who I'm. any other question?)

Marinette: no. Ho fatto il caffè da solo. È saporito? Adoro salutare i nostri ospiti. Hmmm scusa, buona notte (no. I made the coffee myself. Is it tasty? I love greeting our guests. Hmmm sorry, good night)

She said as she smiled widely and left. I shrugged and closed my door and went to dry myself. I wore a boxer and laid on my bed, sipping from that coffee and reading my book

The next day, I heard knocks on my doors. I sworn that if it's that bitch, I'm going to yell at her. I opened my door as I found Nino

I put on my robe while Nino was waiting for me on the couch

Nino: get your ass ready, we are going to meet Tom and your future wife

Adrien: she is so fucking annoying; I swear I was about to blow her head yesterday

Nino: why?

Adrien: she made a coffee and brought it for me

Nino: mhmmm that's love at first sight for both of you?

Adrien: seriously? I closed the door at her face

Nino: a gentleman

Adrien: whatever, ill take a shower and ill join you

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