Finally Home - Siyeon

Start from the beginning

– Shit... I missed this feeling...

Siyeon: So did I... So damn much...

Y/n leans himself, making us touch foreheads, while without releasing the grip on each other. After a few minutes, we finally break contact, with Y/n turning back to the stove, with me quickly back hugging him, while resting my chin on his shoulder. After a brief moment of a comfortable silence, as I look over his shoulder, getting a glimpse of the dish he was making, I break it, while asking him:

– So, what you're making, there?

– Some buldak. I thought you might like it.

Siyeon: You know me so well, baby...

I then proceed to give a few pecks on Y/n's neck, with him squirming, while getting goosebumps.

– Stop, noona! It tickles.

Siyeon: Sorry, baby. It's just that your reactions are so cute. Plus, I missed being this close with you...

After this short and playful affection display, I keep myself wrapped around him for a couple more minutes, till I finally unwrap myself, letting Y/n finish making dinner for us, as I proceed to sit at the table, fumbling around it, while waiting for the chef's meal.

About forty minutes later, the meal was ready so, while Y/n starts setting the table, I start getting the cups and the soda, pouring the beverage right after. With everything ready, I sit at the table again, while he fixes my plate. When doing stuff like this, Y/n acts like such a gentleman that it even makes me forget how much of a soft baby he actually is. After fixing my plate and setting it down, he proceeds to fixing his.

Siyeon: Thank you.

– You're welcome.

Once he's finished, Y/n also sits down, while I let out a thought about the dish he made:

– This jjajangmyeon is looking really good, so is the buldak.

– Glad you like it, noona.

Siyeon: I really do. Anyway,here we go.

I then proceed to take small portion of the jjajangmyeon on the chopsticks and lead it to my mouth. And as expected, it's heavenly good and with mouth still full, I exclaim:

– Hmmmmmm! Delicious as always.

– Everything for you, noona.

Y/n then pinches my cheek, making me blush. After recomposing myself, I grab a piece of the buldak with the chopsticks and lead it to my mouth. And just like the jjajangmyeon, it's delicious. As I was feasting myself with such delicious dishes, I suddenly hear Y/n saying:

– I still can't believe you're here.

Siyeon: Honestly, neither can I. I don't know how the schedule got so full. But I swear there wasn't a day I didn't think of you.

– Right back at ya, noona. Seeing you only on TV or on the cellphone, made feel like I was only a fan again.

Siyeon: I can imagine and I'm sorry for that, Y/n. Well, but now we're here, together and that's what matters.

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