Chapter 22: Kamino Ward

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(3rd person POV)

Nezu was worried. From most eyewitness accounts form the training camp, Izuku seemed to have joined the LoV and Katsuki Bakugo was immortal. He walked into a room where Izuku's friends were waiting.


Katsumi: Yeah, well, I saw it with my own eyes.

Nezu: Quiet.

Everyone went silent when they heard the principal's voice.

Nezu: All Might and a few other teachers are going on a rescue mission as we speak. We will hear the words from the Devil's mouth, so to speak.

Ryoshi: Why are you telling us this?

Nezu smiled.

Nezu: You will be joining us on the raid.

At Kamino

Izuku: So, Jashin grants immortality to his most supportive followers?

Katsuki: Yes he does!

Izuku nodded as he listened to Katsuki's words.

Izuku: So, how long have you been a member of the church?

Katsuki thought for a minute before answering.

Katsuki: Since I was four.

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: That makes sense. I assume the personality change comes with the immortality?

Bakugo nodded. Soon, the rest of the villains walked into the room and discussed what was going to happen. They talked about who their biggest obstacles would be. They soon heard a knock at the door.

???: Pizza delivery!

Twice: I didn't order a pizza/That's mine!

Twice grabbed the doorknob and pulled open the door. He was met with the fist of All Might.

All Might: I AM HERE!

Kamui Woods: Lacquered Chain Prison!

All of the villains were trapped by the wood. Kurogiri tried to open a portal, but he was stabbed by a red sheet of cloth.

Edgeshot: Thousand Sheet Pierce!

Izuku looked at the heroes and smiled.

Izuku: Glad to see that you decided to come and save me. But the boss isn't here!

Izuku clapped his hands twice and black goop erupted from the mouths of all of the villains before they were teleported to the scene of a battle. Izuku looked at All for one and sighed.

Izuku: You're giving them too much of an open space.

AFO looked at the boy with a confused look. Izuku exploded into blue fire as Katsuki stretched and popped his shoulders.

Izuku (SDT): Allow me!

Izuku charged at Endeavour. His blade was a millimetre from Endeavour's throat before he was pulled back by a red devil.

Izuku: Ah, Ryoshi, come to stop me? 

Ryoshi: Nah mate, I'm here to help you kill AFO.

Izuku grinned widely and turned to the leader of the LoV

Izuku: Looks like someone one upped your deal, Ryuoya Shigaraki.

AFO: Damn you brats! Forced Quirk Activation!

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