Chapter 17: Stain and a New Devil!

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Management was trapped. Gil's chains were stronger than hers. Gil released the chains.

Gil: That's how you chain up someone, mongrel.


Last time;

Iida was laying in a back alley. Stain was bearing down on him. He couldn't move. It must be Stain's quirk. Just before the blade reached his neck, it snapped.

Izuku had landed in front of Iida. He looked at Stain.

Iida: No! Go! This is my fight!

Izuku: Yeah. really looks like it, dumbass!

Izuku then turned to Stain and stared him down.

Izuku: It's time to end your murdering spree, Stain.

Stain: And how are you going to do that? You're just a student!

Izuku: By putting your noseless ass in the ICU!

Now! (3rd person POV)

Stain glared at the young boy who looked like a devil. Izuku's SDT form faded and he was back to being a normal looking guy.

 Izuku's SDT form faded and he was back to being a normal looking guy

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(Green eyes, overcoat and green ends on the hair)

Stain moved first. He ran forwards and swung his sword in an overhead slash. Izuku deflected the strike, before grabbing Stain's wrist and twisting it, making him drop the sword. Stain pulled out a knife and stabbed Izuku's shoulder. Izuku grabbed the blade and kept it in his shoulder.

Izuku: Your quirk has something to do with blood. So I'm not letting you get any of mine.

Stain: 'He figured out my quirk?!'

Izuku pulled the knife out  of his shoulder. The wound healed and the blood evaporated. Izuku grinned at Stain. Stain realised that it may be difficult to use his quirk on this boy. Izuku pulled out Mirage Edge and shot two green slashes out in an x formation, before crouching down, seemingly charging another attack. Stain dodged the first two slashes and ran at Izuku. When stain was close enough, Izuku released the final part of the attack, a slow moving horizontal slash.


Stain was blasted back into a wall. His head whipped back and hit the wall with a sickening thud, before he slid down the wall and fell on the ground. Izuku wrapped him up before calling Miruko to his position.

Miruko arrived and Izuku told her what happened quickly, before running off to the main city. Izuku saw a winged Nomu was carrying Izumi. Izuku jumped and flew at the flying Nomu at incomprehensible speeds. Shoka saw him and cheered. She knew the horrible night would be over soon. Once the Nomu was killed, it dropped Izumi. Izumi used her telekinesis on herself to lower herself to the ground. After Izuku killed the flying Nomu, he dashed at another one, Only for it to see him and transform.

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