Chapter 2

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It was morning. Nunnally had woken up and was preparing for school. As she was blind, she wouldn't attend a regular school like her brother. Instead, Nunnally would get homeschooled. She and Lelouch lived within the Ashford Academy campus, a prestigious Britannian school from Tokyo. As the principal was a friend of their family, they got to live here, in one of the school's buildings. They haven't been living here forever. Nunnally remembered all the sorrows of the past in a flash. Her mother's death, the loss of her sight and ability to walk, their exile from Britannia, and their hiding under a false identity. She and her brother were once a princess and prince of Britannia; their father was the Holy Britannian Emperor. Now they were alone, having only each other as support. Thankfully they could live an everyday life thanks to the Ashford family, who used to be close to their late mother.

Nunnally shook her head, trying to leave these upsetting details behind. As she was sitting in her wheelchair, thinking about such things, their maid, Miss Sayoko, came.

"Your math teacher has arrived," she announced. "He will come inside in a moment."

"Ok," Nunnally replied. "Thanks, Sayoko."

Sayoko left, and one moment later, the teacher entered the room. Nunnally knew that man for many years. He was always a sober, professional, respectful gentleman. But right now, he joined after slamming the door against the wall. Nunnally felt confused, but she greeted the teacher politely.

"Good morning, Mr. Robertson," she said.

"Trick or treat!" exclaimed the teacher with a grin.

"Excuse me?" Nunnally replied, perplexed.

"It's Halloween," the teacher continued. "I want candies. Otherwise, I'll scare you to death!"

Nunnally was now even more confused. She could hardly believe that the man standing before her was her teacher. Something was terribly wrong.

"Mister..." she babbled anxiously. "Are you alright?"

"I'm a troll!" he cried. "I'll roar if you don't give me any candies. I'll even hit you with my spear."

"Don't be scared, Nunnally," came Lelouch's voice.

Her brother stood near the threshold, his voice calm as if nothing wrong had happened.

"It's alright," Lelouch added. "He's just under my control."

"Lelouch?" Nunnally asked.

"It's alright," her brother followed. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to show you how my new power works, so I ordered him to act like a kid dressed in a troll on Halloween. He will stop in a minute and then come back to normal. And he won't remember anything that happened."

"But how?" Nunnally asked, still visibly startled.

"I have to go to school now," followed Lelouch. "As I said, your teacher will regain consciousness in a few seconds. He won't remember a thing when he does, so don't tell him about this little incident. And don't tell anyone else, either. Not even Sayoko. Could you do that, Nunnally?"

"I... I will."

"Hmm... good morning, Nunnally." said the teacher, his voice slightly rough, as if he had just woken up. "Oh, good morning to you too, Lelouch. I didn't notice you. Do you want something?"

"Not at all," the boy replied. "Just wanted to make sure my sister has arrived."

"Your sister is always on time, unlike you," sighed the teacher. "Haven't your classes started already?"

"They did; my apologies," he said. "I'm going there right now. Have a good day, sir. Bye, Nunnally."

"Bye..." replied Nunnally, forcing herself to hold a tear that was about to leave her closed eyes.

Code Geass: Lelouch and Nunnally of the RebellionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu