°•Chapter One•°

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As we entangled hands, I couldn't help but let out a lustful smirk.

"I-I think I love you." His words were like music to my ears, the only melody I wanted to hear. This wasn't the first time he had said this but he said it with such certainty, such passion, I knew he genuinely meant it. So much had happened in the past months that lead up to this moment, I almost couldn't believe it, if you were to tell me this would happen when I first took the Phantom Thief case, I wouldn't have believed you !


Hello! My name is Shuichi Siahara , I am Twenty-One years old and work in a detective agency with my uncle and a world renowned detective , Kyoko Kirigiri ! It is an honour working with her as her assistant but when I was asked to lead a case on my own for the first time, I could hardly believe it! I could never have guessed what it would have led to . My life would never be the same after this particular case. The case of the Phantom Thief. This is where our story starts,

A few months earlier:









Monday, December Tenth

I was just casually in my office, filling out some paperwork for a case Kirigiri-kun had recently taken up , I believe it was a murder case, when Misa Najimi (the secutary) knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I put on a fake happy tone with a chirpy smile, hiding how tired I was. I loved my job but it was  draining sometimes. Najimi-kun strided into my office in a hurry- whatever she was in here for was probably urgent.

"Um..Siahara..your uncle requests to speak to you in his office." Although I'm not too high up in the ranks here, my uncle is. He is the C.E.O of this company and is the only reason I was able to secure this job. Although if you asked him, he insists it was because I was best fit but I'm a horrible detective! I'm only 'best fit' (according to him) because I accidentally solved ONE murder case. It really isn't *that* impressive tho. Kirigiri-kun could've probably been able to solve it with her eyes closed!

"Of course , thank you Najimi-kun!" I beamed . I think I noticed her blush slightly but I brushed it off as she walked out covering her face. I quickly finished up my email and sped off to my uncles office.

I walked down the corridor , greeting everyone I saw on the way. I'm not necessarily 'popular' or anything but I do know alot of people here briefly.
"Hi Pekoyama! Hey Shinguji!" I greeted them on the way to the office, them giving a smile or wave in return.

I arrived in front of the office, quickly dusting myself off before knocking on the laminated oak door . I heard a muffled 'come in' causing me to open the door. Inside was ,of course, my uncle. I was often described as gloomy or emo but my uncle was the complete opposite. He was the jolliest man you will ever meet! He radiates good energy and still remains a humble man, but don't get fooled, he can be serious of he needs to! He had chocolate brown hair and a patented trenchcoat on with a classic detective hat. He wore this to work everyday saying you need to 'act the part of a detective' .

"Ah shuichi ! How are you !?" He beamed with a genuine, wholesome smile. I returned his positive energy with a tired smile that wasn't forced like normal.
"Good thank you Uncle. What did you need me for?" I had a lot of respect for my uncle, after all he had practically raised me ! When my parents were away to shoot movies (being big-time actors and all) I was often left with my uncle. He raised me more than my parents did , which is a sad but just the honest truth. But I'm somewhat grateful he raised me more than my parents. He is the reason I have my passion for detective-work ! There's nothing I love more than making him proud.

"Well, I have decided it was about time you got your own case!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing! My own case! This was big news for me!
" Everyone at the company has been incredibly grateful for all the work you are doing and I think I can say on behalf of everyone, this is well deserved!" I blushed a bit in embarrassment . I always did when I received a compliment no matter who it was from. I just get really flustered every time.
"I-im honored , what case would I be working on?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement and remain professional.

"It's the case of the 'Phantom Thief' . He is a despicable man who has been stealing incredibly high valued items but has been leaving no trace! You will be a perfect fit for this case, everyone knows how good you are at catching tiny details which is exactly what we need to get this guy! I can send you the case file , if you accept of course." He explained to me. He was definitely trying to hype me up. I had helped Kirigiri spot clues in the past so everyone thinks I'm really good at it.. but she probably would have found them eventually regardless , I just happened to find them before her. She's WAY better than me.

"Of course I'll accept! i've always dreamed of taking a case of my own!"
I shook hands with him as he explained the case in a bit more detail.

"Of course I'll accept! i've always dreamed of taking a case of my own!"I shook hands with him as he explained the case in a bit more detail

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Tysm for readingy story so far! Please leave any feedback in the comments. I literally love getting feedback and ideas it really helps me improve!  I will try to update as regularly as possible but I struggle with that kinda stuff so bare with

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