Chapter 15 -Respect

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"And now, we quickly arrive at the final barrier!" I hear Present Mic say as I continue running. "The one that's a minefield! It's prepared for you to know where the mines are if you observe carefully! So, you must use your legs and eyes!" After a few minutes, I reach the minefield he mentioned.

Is this a good time to transform?

I'm not sure, but it's better to be safe and not spend transformations if I want to last the whole competition. I keep advancing with cat-like agility while bombs explode around me one after the other. To my amazement, avoiding the bombs is quite easy thanks to my agility from my quirk, but the difficulty lies in moving forward due to the explosions caused by my rivals.

My brother appears flying over the bombs, and I see him starting to face off against Todoroki further ahead, not too far from where I am.

Suddenly, there's an excessively loud explosion behind me that makes me turn to check what happened, but all I can see is pink smoke. I see something flying out of it. I focus my gaze, and it's...


He soars above everyone, passing my brother and Todoroki, stopping and overtaking them by creating explosions between them, while he gets propelled even further. Katsuki and Todoroki quickly stabilize again and start moving faster without stopping to fight. I keep moving forward, now it's easier as I'm among the first, and there are few people around me causing explosions.

I hear Present Mic commenting that Izuku, Todoroki, and Katsuki are leading, and I start running when I finally surpass the mines.

"Bakugo is on Todoroki's heels while Midoriya is in the lead! Haiyoru isn't far behind them, it seems she has taken the lead! This year, the students of 1-A are giving it their all! How have you done it, Eraser Head?"

Next to me appears a girl with vine-like hair trying to stop me.

"I'm sorry, I really want to be among the first in this test!" Did she just apologize for wanting to pass me?

Her vines attack me underground and try to trap my feet. I manage to dodge her and don't stop to fight her; there's no time for that. I keep dodging vines she's launching at me, and some manage to catch me, but I angrily free myself from them with my claws.

"Right now, the first person to return to the stadium is this boy... Midoriya Izuku has achieved a great feat!" Present Mic announces, and the cheers of the crowd get louder as I get closer to the finish line. I enter a tunnel.

We manage to reach the end of the tunnel back to the center of the stadium, where everyone is applauding and cheering. In first place is Izuku, followed by Todoroki, my brother almost at the same time, and as the fourth, it's me. The girl with the vines appears behind me, and more people start to emerge little by little.

"Again... darn it!" I hear my brother say. I'm exhausted and need to catch my breath. I approach Izuku, who seems to not believe what just happened.

"You did an amazing job, Izuku!" I congratulate him. He turns to me and smiles.

"Yep. Two birds with one stone, I'm a genius!" I hear Mineta cheer, and I turn to see what's happening. I see Momo, and behind her, I notice Mineta.

"You're just repulsive!" she replies to him, and I can perfectly see how uncomfortable Momo is. I feel my anger rising as I approach them.

"You..." I growl quietly, now standing by their side with clenched fists. "Stay away from her." My voice sounds surprisingly similar to Katsuki's. Mineta looks at me with fear as I glare at him. "Step. Away." I grab his leg and throw him forcefully to the side. He falls, and I step closer to him threateningly as he starts to back away in fear.

"H-Haiyoru, I'm s-sorry..."

"You know? Maybe you could use a little chat with me." I crack my knuckles to intimidate him as I approach slowly. I pounce on him, but someone grabs me from behind by the waist and lifts me up.

"Haiyoru-kun! This is not the way to behave!"

"Let me go, Iida. Little Mineta needs to learn a lesson!" He's lifting me so I can't reach the ground. For a moment, I consider transforming to get free, but there's still a lot to face in the rest of the championship, so I dismiss the idea and try to break free by force.

"Haiyoru-kun! As the class representative, I feel obligated to stop this. Violence doesn't solve anything!"


"Haiyoru-san." Momo stands in front of me. "Don't worry, I'm okay." I calm down, and when Iida notices that I stop struggling, he releases me and lets me down.

"I just wanted him to know what it means to respect someone." I cross my arms and look down.

Momo pets my head and smiles. "It's okay. Now, let's see what Midnight is going to announce." She says, smiling. I hold onto her shirt as I follow behind her, giving Mineta one last deadly glare.

"The first game of the First Year Stage has ended. Now, let's see the results!" A panel with our names appears. ...The real competition starts now! The press cavalry will be everywhere! Give it your all! Now, the second game..." The name of the next activity appears on the screen.

"A cavalry battle?" Denki comments disheartened next to me. "I'm bad at those..."

Midnight explains how it works. It's played like a regular cavalry battle, but each team's points depend on the sum of the points each team member got in the first test, and we all look at Izuku when he says that the first place is worth 10 million points. In my case, I got 190 points.

"Now, you have fifteen minutes to form teams and plan your strategy, begin!"

I see people joining others, and my brother and Todoroki quickly gather people around them who want to be in their team. I lock eyes with Todoroki, who's coming towards me. At first, I feel really happy that he's going to talk to me, probably asking me to join his team. I'm about to approach him when...

We're not here to make friends.

The words he said in the waiting room come to my mind, and I can't help but stop abruptly and turn away without looking at him.

"Hai...?" I hear him about to call me.

"Todoroki! Do you want to be on my team?" I hear Denki say. I decide to move away; I'm not exactly sure why, but I don't want to be close to Todoroki at this moment, probably because I feel like a burden who can't leave him alone.

"Please, Bakugo-kun, let me be on your team!" I hear Hagakure pleading near Katsuki.

"Hey, Haiyoru!" I turn to look at my brother. "Come to my team, you're the only one I know minimally." We're siblings, Katsuki. What do you mean minimally?

I hesitate for a few seconds. There isn't much time to decide, as most of the teams have already been formed, and I don't have many other options. I unconsciously glance in Todoroki's direction, who's talking with Momo, Iida, and Denki, and I feel a little pang in my chest, not exactly sure why. Our eyes meet, and I quickly look away.

"Alright." I respond, getting closer to him. We also team up with Kirishima and Sero. I'm not very happy about being with Katsuki; I know he's the one who would stand out in the team, leaving me in his shadow, as always, but I don't have many other options. We talk about strategies a bit until the time runs out.

"Now, it's time to begin!" Midnight announces.

"After fifteen minutes to form teams and discuss their strategy, twelve teams line up on the field! Now, get ready for the tears of battle! It's time for the bloody battle of UA! Give the signal!"

The battle has begun.

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