Chapter 18

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(Charlie's POV)

I sit there on my bed, trying to figure out everything that has happened in a matter of a few hours. The party, Drake and I, my mom, Stacey...

I'm remorseful for a few minutes, wondering why I'm putting my family through this. Why am I hurting them this way?

I keep thinking and finally decide that I should just stop worrying about it. I just want to have a little fun every now and then, that's all.

I lie back on my bed and rub my temples, hoping I might be able to rub the pain from my head. My phone buzzes and I pick it up, looking to see what it is.

It's a text message from Drake.

Charlie, how can I fix this? Please, tell me. I'll do anything for you, I swear.

I sigh, but respond.

I don't know, Drake. I just need to get my shit straight and then we can talk, but now is not the time.

Okay, baby. Just please tell me what I can do when you know.

I frown at the text and don't respond.

That Monday at school, Drake stares at me all day, a frown etched into his face. "Charlotte? Can we talk for a second?" Drake asks me.

We're at lunch right now and I'm bored, wanting to do something, but not this. I'm not ready for this conversation. At all.

"Yeah, sure." Drake sits down next to me and sighs.

"Charlie, I just want to apologize. I'm sorry for," He pauses, choking the next word out, "cheating on you. I never meant to, I swear."

"Drake, it's not so much as you cheating on me. I- I can get over that. I don't like it, but I promise, I can get over it. It's the fact that I can't trust you when you drink. I want you to have fun, I want you to get drunk and party, and do whatever the hell you like, but I don't want to look over my shoulder all the time, wondering what you're doing because you're drunk. I want to be able to trust you, Drake, but I can't. That's what I'm worried about," I say.

I can see tears starting to brew in his eyes as he stares at me, his mouth open slightly. "Charlie, if I could change it, I would. I swear I would. You can trust me when I drink. Charlotte, let me tell you something. When we were together when I cheated on you, it was just something that was going on. I liked you, of course, but it's different now. Charlotte, I care about you so much more now. I know better. I know what I'm supposed to do now. Please Charlotte, you have to trust me."

"Do you know how this feels right now, Drake?" I ask, my voice cracking. "I feel like shit. I feel used, betrayed, anything. Cheating on me was one of the worst things you could have done to me. You were one person I thought I could trust. I thought you could be there for me and help me, but you did the exact opposite. I hated you for so long, Drake," I say.

"I know how you feel, Charlie, I do. So many girls I've been with have done the same thing to me, Charlie, I kn-"

"See, Drake. I don't think you do. I actually liked you. I actually cared for you. All of those girls that you've screwed in the past, they didn't care about you. I'm sorry Drake, they didn't. I did. And it hurt like hell seeing you making out with the same type of girl that you endlessly screwed before me."

"Charlie, I don't have a type of girl," Drake says, clearly annoyed.

"Okay, fine. Name some of the girls you've screwed. Go ahead," I tell him. His eyes go wide.

"Um, Kaitlyn," He says.

"Blond hair, blue eyes," I say.

"Fine, Alyse."

"Blond hair, hazel eyes," I say.

"Okay, shit, Marie."

"Dirty blond hair, light blue eyes," I say. My eyes start to well up and I will the tears to go back down.

"Damn it, Charlie," He says.

"I told you you have a type," I mumble.

"I- I'm sorry, Charlotte. Please, I am. I've changed, Charlotte, I have."

"That's another thing. I don't want you to change just because of me. I think you were right when we ended things before. We're just not right for each other." I stand and walk away, not allowing Drake to get another word in. I can hear him scream in frustration and slam his hands on the lunch table. I jump at the sound, but continue walking. 

When I get home, I sit there on my bed, thinking about everything that has happened lately. I feel like I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking. "Charlotte, get down here!" My mother calls.

I walk downstairs and meet my mother and father in the living room. "What?" I ask.

I look into the living room and see there are two people standing there. "These people are here to help you, Charlotte," My mother says easily.

"Excuse me?" I ask. I'm beyond confused right now.

"Charlotte, these people are going to take you down to a rehab facility and help you recover," My mother says.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I ask, glaring.

"Honey, please, just go," My dad says.

"Dad! You can't let this happen!" I shout. The people look like they're ready to jump if they need to.

I slowly start to back away. I rush upstairs and grab some of my things. I don't bother with clothes. I stick my phone in my bra, making it look like it's not there.

I walk downstairs and look at the two men. "Are you ready, Charlotte?" One asks. I nod and they both grab each of my arms. They walk me out to their car and put me in the back.

I frown as I watch everything disappear from my view. We arrive to the facility within a few minutes and I'm taken inside. Seems as though I'm already checked in because we walk right past the receptionist desk.

They walk me into a solitary room and I'm told to wait on the bed. They begin taking out gowns and toiletries.

"I don't know exactly what you think you're going to fix here. There's nothing wrong with me," I snap.

"Yeah, that's what they all say."

I roll my eyes and kick my feet up on the bed. Might as well enjoy it. "You will start treatment tomorrow. For now, you've got towels, soap, the works, you can shower, play board games, who cares. If you need to make a call, simply come out of your room and ask the receptionist. If given permission, you can do so," The guy says. He continues to rattle off a bunch of rules that I pay no mind to.

The guys walk out, leaving me to myself. I roll my eyes and take out my phone. I made sure to pack a charger, too.

Well this is going to be a long while.

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