Chapter 2- How they lost to a blueberry?

Start from the beginning

Wilfride blinked, looking down at the fox. "He's like a walking fire place,"

"Sort of..."

"Maybe I should just shoot it."

"Maybe you should not use the Ice that much," Domino said in a soft tone. "Unless you want this world to turn on you,"

Wilfride rolled her eyes and gave a groan. She then turned to the girl. "Fine, but know I am doing this in protest." Wilfride ushered the Flareon to step out to the battle.

He walked out very slowly, with his head lowered.

"Well go on three." The girl said..."One...Two...Three..."

"Use...." Wilfride's voice trailed off as it seemed her mind went blank.

"Oddish, use vine whip," A set of vines emerged from its leaves.

"I STILL DON'T KNOW ANY OF HIS MOVES!!!" Wilfride cried, looking at the Flareon. "You are a boy, right?"

Flareon looked at her and nodded.

"According to this he should be able to do Ember, Swift, Tackle, CopyCat, Growl and Tail Whip to start off with." Domino explained.

"Do Growl and Tail Whip sound as stupid as I heard them?" Wilfride asked.

"Well, let's try them and see how he does." Domino said in encouraging voice, her head lifting at the Oddish. "I mean Fire beats Grass."

"Alright, use Tackle! Since it's the only thing I remember." Wilfride said to Flareon, who looked from Domino to Wilfride then to the Oddish. Instead of charging towards it's opponent like it was supposed to do Wilfride saw a terror consume come over the creature's face as it watched the Oddish walk right up to it, just inches away. Its eyes grew small and wimps, its lips puffed out as trembles over took it's very fluffy body. By the time it stopped in front of Flareon, his face was trembling and gasping for air then to our surprise the fox gave a girly cry out, hightailed it and dove behind Wilfride cowering and clinging to her legs, still trembling all over.

"He's a coward?!" The strange girl laughed out. "In all my-I have never seen a Flareon cower to a grass type. You must be a pathetic Trainer for your Flareon to be so weak,"

That shouldn't have offended me since I wasn't a trainer nor did I want to be, Wilfride thought. But it might have been because she used the term "pathetic"

Wilfride looked up at her, trying to pull it away from the terrified creature's paws that were wrapped around her legs. After managing to get it off her legs she set it on the ground and glared at the girl. Giving a growl, ripping off her gloves, and stuffing them in her pocket. "You want to battle, than let's battle..."


"Here's a pillow and a blanket. If the weather is too cold, please move further into the house

A simple pillow and wool blanket came flying at her with the words that sounded like a torrent, and she hurriedly reached out to receive them.

Wilfride sat down on the bed, and the person standing in front of her was a woman that looked in her twenties with pink hair wearing a white nurse's outfit.

"Then, is there anything else you don't understand?"

"Uh, no." On hearing Wilfride say "no", her expression eased slightly, and she moved out of the room in her slightly oversized habit. Wilfride waited for the sound of her footsteps to go further away before heaving a long sigh.

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