Sencha - chapter 4

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In the following days, Sencha was at a complete loss. His whole view of the world went upside down. He was a mere servant, not even privileged to share Milord's bed, but suddenly Milord stepped down from his pedestal and personally comforted Sencha, shared terrible shameful secrets with him and generally behaved as if after the barbarian attack, the servant and master became in some way equals. As if Sencha was worthy of respect. Was it because he tried to spill his own blood and wash away his disgrace? Err, technically hanging didn't spill blood, but there were a few drops and smears on Sencha's nether parts, from previous night's activities, but nothing serious.

Sencha walked about as in a trance. He also went hot and cold by turns. Most often hot, especially when he remembered Milord Niall, naked and beautiful, in the tent, on the bearskin, without his magical braid, covered with bruises and scratches, looking so... Ready for the taking, maybe? The impudent black-haired barbarian, owner of the giant white wolf, probably didn't get off him all night long.

Sencha swayed as the blood drained from his head and rushed to his other head. Thinking about Milord in such vulgar, peasant ways felt incredibly badly, but... incredibly pleasant. Now that Sencha knew exactly what was going on between two men under the cover of darkness, and how delightful and satisfying it was, he absolutely couldn't stop thinking about it.

He tried to imagine that it was Milord Niall who was fucking him all night, but he kept remembering the red-haired barbarian, and regretting he couldn't see the man naked — it was too dark during the night, and in the morning the man dressed too quickly, as if nudity bothered him. Sencha's body remembered the redhead well — his hot embrace, his hot cock pushing inside, his whole body emanating heat like a stove. Milord was not like that, his skin was cooler, not so rough, and his palms were not calloused, and he was overall beautiful and delicate, even fragile, despite his height. For the first time in his life Sencha realized that the immortal lord of the Tuatha Dé could be injured, raped, even killed — the barbarian leader could have killed Milord several times during their fight.

Once, when they still were in the gamekeeper's lodge, Sencha lost his mind for a moment and pressed his lips to Milord's shoulder, while helping him to undress. He wanted to express his love and devotion somehow. But Milord, alas, became disgusted with the touch of men, even such gentle youths as Sencha, who were ready to spread their legs for him. And it was awful, because Sencha did not become disgusted with men at all, but quite the contrary. He started to daydream quite often about the red-haired barbarian suddenly deciding to return, kidnap Sencha, take him to the ends of the world and fuck him every night, so that Sencha wouldn't be able to walk in the morning.

But those dreams were, of course, stupid, because the red-haired barbarian completely forgot about Sencha five minutes after he got dressed and left. And Milord Niall also completely forgot about Sencha, plotting his magical secret plans.

It was, of course, very gracious of Milord to give Sencha permission to take whomever he wished to his bed. Moreover, Milord himself suddenly dressed smartly, made himself a fake braid from a scarf (well, Sencha made under his tutelage) and rushed off through the Sliabh Mis Cromlech into the unknown — maybe to the other end of the kingdom. Master Matha said that sometimes Milord Niall might have been absent for half a year, on important affairs of state, of course. What would Sencha do without him for half a year? What other men could compare with Milord, or at least with the red-headed giant, who was in any case a stately and handsome man, even with his dirty hair, his ugly leather clothes devoid of expensive bright colors, and without even bronze jewelry.

On the first evening of Milord's absence Sencha even cried a little in his room. He had never gone to bed so early while Milord was home, serving him, pouring wine, helping him undress for bed, or simply feasting his eyes on Milord's face, while the latter was reading a scroll of verses, and waiting for orders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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