~Can you keep the secret~

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As usual, vocabularycheck at the end!

Could contain fluff and possibly a tinsy bit of smut


(Scotland pov)

I woke up with a worse hang over then ever before. As I started getting my senses back,I heard a soft 'Mac soith' from the bathroom. I realized I was at Irelands house still. I walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder. She gave a small smile as she went back to examining herself, I only realized that her neck was covered in hickeys and bites. She nibbled her lip. 'Sorry' I murmured into her shoulder. She gave a grin this time. 'I don't care, might stop people flinging themselves at me everytime I'm at school if they know im taken~
'Fan base?' I asked her
'You have no Idea' she said with a grin.
'I called a mechanic over, their going to be here at 1:30. They should be done at around 2:30'
I might have to call England to collect them. He has a pass to do so but I have to clarify by text.
'Suddenly she let out a groan.
'What are we going to tell England?' She moaned into my neck. I grinned at her child like behavior. 'He won't cross Me, he might cross you but he wouldn't want to lose his was ex friend Now is friend.
'Who was your first kiss?'
You first'
Ireland sighed,blushing she said
I looked at her before saying
'I wish I could say it was you,but I'd be lying. I was cornered by a girl named Shetland islands, she was 16 I was 14.
She practically fucked my mouth for 5 minutes before I pushed her off.'
Ireland winced 'God daym' was all she said. I laughed and she began to laugh with me.

(Ireland pov)

We went down the stairs still laughing and chatting. I came to an agreement that we would tell England that we got ever so slightly drunk(understatement) and accidentally slept together if he brought it up. We wouldn't tell him we were seeing each other.
I put some rasher,eggs,white and black pudding on the pans. I put a few slices of bread into the toaster and got the teapot ready. ~how Incredibly irish of me~ I added about 6 teabags to the pot and poured the boiling water into the pot. Scotland had come back after calling England(it was 1pm now, the were in the middle of break) and had texted him the slip. He manned the pan while I set the table, putting the teapot, butter dish, milk jug, sugar bowl and the plate of toast on the table. He grinned and said something about me going over the top, but I just grinned and kissed him on the nose.
'Oh!! By the way, your clothes are in on the table' I said to him.
He nodded his thanks and left the room to get changed. Anyone would be happy to get outta what he was wearing. It DID suit him though, I would admit that much. I heard him grunting from the bathroom, sounding like he was in pain. I quickly walked to the bathroom and nudged the door open. Scotland stood with his back to me, showing a mass of bruises and cuts that were still open and weeping.
I let out a shuddering gasp and he turned to me.
'It's not that bad, I promise' he said quickly. His chest was no better.
I walked over to him, examining his scars.
'Why didn't you tell me? There almost all infected at this stage. When did this happen?' I asked, my voice sounding shaky.
'I didn't want to worry you. I'm used of scars at this stage that u don't worry'the Scot said.
IL clean them for you, your not leaving until I say you can' I said sternly.
'Can we eat first? I'm starved' he said, putting on his shirt.
I nodded, not knowing how to react.
He finished getting dressed as I put everything put on the plates.
I smiled at him when he walked in and I don't really know why but I got rewarded with a kiss. We sat down and ate, enjoying each other's company. I sat him in the same place I had just two nights ago, the medical box was now under the TV. He took off his shirt and I examined his scars. 'I have to put the alcohol straight in, it won't work if it's am alcohol-infused pad' I explained. He nodded, looking almost scared. I noticed his reluctance and I pecked him on the cheek.
"I won't hurt you' I whispered to him.
I handed him a cloth. 'Bite on that in you have to' I said to him. He nodded again. Man really liked nodding.
I let out a shuddering breath as I slowly poured a few drops of the alcohol onto his chest. He hissed, slapping my hand away. 'Excuse you?' I said to him.
'Sorry' he murmured
(Outer banks reference)
I finished on his chest in about 10 minutes, bandages and all.
~aren't I amazing~
I moved onto his arms. I could use the alcohol-infused pads here due to the cuts not being very deep. I finished on his front and asked him to turn so that I could get behind him to deal with his back. I gently cleaned him cuts, their was nothing I could do with the bruises
-this isnt harry potter-
I bandaged his back and gently lay him on the couch. I sat on the edge on the couch, playing with his hair.
He grinned and pulled me ontop of him. He kissed me once again. Nodding and kissing me seemed to be his favorite things to do
~Not complaining~
I pulled away gently, smiling at him.
He pulled me back down, not letting go of me for a few minutes. We stayed like that until the mechanic arrived.

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