love takes form

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Vocabularycheck at the end! Both slang and language.


(Ireland pov)

I had made a routine with england.
I would go home with england and study for 3hrs 30minutes or something,and at around seven I would go home with scotland.It was easy enough to follow,but Scotland was impatient and didn't wait when England tried to finish up something past the time we agreed.The rain was only getting worse when I left the house that night. Myself and Scotland talked in the car like we always did,and for some reason I was now not as scared in his presence.He loved his family very much and often got into fights because of them.I hadn't seen much of him today and when I did he turned his head so that his hair covered his upper face on his right eye.'How did you meet England?' He said in a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. 'We met through primary school,we were friends until I was 13 because he fell out with Argentina,who I was very good friends with and still am,he also fell out with a lot of the African and all South American countrys' I replied.
'I introduced him to France and they started dating 2 years ago,2 years after they first met.ive always been on good terms with france,but England was harder to get along with.i don't really know how I was his friend for 7 years really. I don't know if we are good terms now but if we aren't he sure is a good actor' I said with a small,dry giggle. He smiled at nothing in particular and started talking about englands worst moments and showing me videos that I couldn't help but laugh at.also forgot to mention,we were pulled in on the side of the road-about 6 miles from my house- because of the rain,which was belting pellets of hail from the heavens onto the windshield. I had to ask him if everything was OK. He was covering his face like he was hiding something.

(Scotland pov)

'Is everything ok? U seen distant' Ireland asked.
I hadn't heard those words since my father had died,almost 3 years ago.
Her words made me realize I valued her way above friends. 'I'm fine' I replied, and started driving once again. She nodded,clearly not convinced. 'What are your parents like?' I asked from nowhere. I saw Ireland visibly grimace at this before she answered' I never met my father and my mother died when I was just gone 7. I've lived with my godfather since,but he moved to French Polynesia when I was almost 16. I've lived with my dog bród every since he left'. I felt something twist in my stomach as I listened to her,but she wasn't done. 'I'm going to assume england has told you of my drinking and smoking problems?' She asked.
I nodded,not knowing how to answer her question verbally.
'They came from my godfather. One day he came up to me with a bottle of vodka or something like that and said if I wanted to live with him anymore I had to adopt drink. I got addicted to drink at 12 and cigarettes followed suit at 13. Vapes and watered down beers left when I was 14 and pure alcohol and drugged cigarettes became my life. My godfather ment nothing to me and never did,but when I was almost 15 I found something else that could give me some comfort in my life. I found bród sniffing around in bins,desperately searching for food. He was only 5 months at the time so he wasn't exactly the size he is now,but still bigger then most. He's and irish wolfhound,the tallest dog breed in the world.' She finished and was now looking at the window. 'I should probably be asking you if you are ok,not the other way round' I said quietly. I looked at her,accidentally knocking my hair of my face so when Ireland turned to face me again she saw the heavily bruised side of my face and forehead, along with a small cut from my forehead to my Swollen eye. She put a hand to her mouth and let out a shuddering gasp. 'What happened?' She whisper, terrified.' I got into a fight, nothing to worry about I said with a small smile as we pulled up to her house. 'Come in and IL clean it for you' she said. I didn't object.

(Ireland pov)

I sat Scotland down on the couch as I went to the kitchen, searching for the medical box( literally a box with random medical things in it) I walked back into the living room and saw bród trying to lick Scotland. I had to stop myself from laughing as I said 'Bród,teacht anseo' and bród came over to me as I placed the box on the coffee table and brought him gently by the collar to his bed. He whined a bit about not being played with immediately, but sullenly put his head oh his paws and glared at Scotland. I sat down on the couch beside Scotland with a smile. I reached into the box and took out rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad. I added some of the alcohol to the pad and gently rubbed it on Scotlands face, him grunting gingerly as I did so. After I cleaned the cut,I realized it hadn't been done by hands. It was too deep to be a human nail, also the fact that being thrown against something wouldn't leave a cut that deep. As the blood started to trickle from the cut I realized it had been done by a knife. I gasped as quietly as I could, but Scotland heard. 'What's wrong?' He asked sounding scared. 'Honestly, what happened your head? It's too deep to be a bash or a human nail, as other nails would rake across in the progress. The only plausible answer would be a knife.' He grimaced slightly and looked at me, before saying' it was a glass shard' I glanced back at the cut, the blood trickling freely from it and discolouring his hair. I grabbed the pad again and pressed it to hid head gently. He grunted again. I kept the pad there, dipping my hand into the box for a dry pad and a plaster. I removed the alcohol-infused pad and replaced it with the clean one. When I was certain the cut had stop bleeding, I put the plaster on the cut. Scotland winced as the plaster was put on, but didn't say anything as I pulled away from him. I heard a growl and turned as bród was rolling around on his bed,trying to rip his teddy's head off.' Stop a chur leis sín, Bród!' I said to him,laughing. I turned back to Scotland,who seemed to have gotten closer to me. My breath hitched as he neared me,annoyingly slow. Just as our lips were about to touch Bród jumped from his bed and began barking loudly. I jumped in the seat from the sudden noise. Scotland muttered something that sounded like 'Cù fuilteach'. I frowned. 'Bród doesn't bark unless there is a person nearby, he doesn't bark at deers or squirrels for one thing' I said without losing my frown. 'I will be back in a minute' I said to Scotland. He nodded, not saying anything. I unlocked the front door and exited,bród running out in front of me, barking madly at the person who was standing there. He had a mask on his face. He was holding a gun. For the second time in 10 minutes my breathing hitched,I felt like I was going to get sick. Suddenly the man raised him arm and threw something,hitting me square on the face. I cried out on pain I landed on the ground,blood running freely from the cut under my eye. The man sprinted at me and when he reached me he gripped me under the neck and pulled me up so that I was on my knees. 'SCOTLAND I KNOW YOUR IN THERE COME OUT BEFORE I KILL GIRLIE HERE!' He shouted. My blood ran cold at his words. Scotland emerged from the house,his eyes holding the want of violence.'Whyd u attack my men scotland?' He asked him. 'They attacked me first' Scotland replied. 'I was at my car waiting for my sisters when they came from nowhere. It was 2:43pm if I'm correct, they came from behind and kicked Me to the ground. The ripped open my face with a shard of glass so I caved their faces in with the car door. I'm not at fault here' he said angrily. Suddenly the man hit me with the butt of the gun and kicked me to the ground,not stopping his kicking. Scotland roared and lunged at him, making him regret the day he was ever born. My head felt light,I was probably concussed. I felt like I was going to get sick. I coughed, my ears ringing. My vision was so fucked up I didn't see the blood I had coughed up. I heard dull sound of flesh meeting flesh behind me. Tears pricked at my eyes as I slowly turned,seeing Scotland beating the everlasting shit out of him. Scotland roared something at him,and the man hurried away, roaring 'this isnt the end!'. Scotland was breathing heavily at this point. He turned and sprinted to me, his hands gripping my face as I was made look at him. He didn't say anything.
He put his arm under my armpits and hoisted me up
Bringing me to the front door.

𝓘𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮Where stories live. Discover now