Chapter 2 : Strange Birthday (Season 1 - Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Mr Hatzigeorgiou on the other hand had coughed dryly clearing his throat before answering to her.

Mr Hatzigeorgiou :"An interesting question Mrs Papagiannou, but the answer is a solid no.

The stoppage of the armed robbery wasn't done by my men, it was done by someone my men had ran to in multiple occasions before.

A young man with an outfit that has the emblem of a spider.

We asked him about his name and intentions.

He introduced himself to us as Super Spider, Volos' friendly superhero as he said.", he replied to her, leaving the young reporter befuddled as to what he meant.

Mrs Papagiannou :" Mr Hatzigeorgiou I know that it may sound rude to ask, but wasn't Super Spider supposed to be an urban legend only existing in the planes of fiction? ", she asked him politely.

Due to her status as one of the best reporters in Volos, she wanted to make sure that everything was a hundred percent true and factual since no made up news were a good thing for channels.

Especially since her reputation is tied closely to one of the greatest news channel in all of Greece.

Super Spider?

Yeah... that's the last thing she needed to hear.

If Super Spider is real as the head of Volos' Police Force is stating what's next?

Honestly with the ways things get, she wouldn't be surprised if super villains, vampires, dreamwalkers or the Gods, Goddesses, Demigods, Titans and other beings of the Ancient Greek Mythology were found out that they exist amidst them under their radar!!

She had rubbed the bridge of her nose, trying to stop an oncoming migraine. It seemed too fanfiction-y for her and the more she thought about it, the worse she felt.

Mr Hatzigeorgiou on the other hand had looked away from her, hands behind his back as he turned his forest green eyes towards the morning sky, a sigh escaping his coarse lips.

Mr Hatzigeorgiou : "I know that it might sound irrational to you to think that urban legends exist, but sometimes the only thing you'll have to do is not have your eyes looking down at all times.", the head of the police force said to her, leaving her puzzled.

Mrs Papagiannou :" Not have your eyes looking down at all times ", she muttered the words that Mr Hatzigeorgiou said to her and looked upwards.

Her dark brown colored eyes widened to the size of saucers in shock and awenseeing that a teen, dressed in a hand made suit with blue mask and some sneakers, swinging from building to building using webs like how Tarzan would swing from tree to tree in a Disney movie holding onto vines extending from the tree branches.

She couldn't believe in her eyes.

Super Spider.

Super Spider was real!!!

Do you all know about those moments in old and new cartoons when a person's eyes would open comically into ridiculous sizes once shocked or surprised?

Yeah... that was Katherine's face right now.

Super Spider : "HELLO WOOOO-...!!", the masked super hero said, greeting the world below, trying to make a dramatic entrance until his webs broke and the hero was flung due to his added momentum.

Then a loud CLANGING noise could be heard as Super Spider had comically smashed himself against an advertising billboard.

Super Spider : "*groans* My heeaaad.

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