Chapter 2 : Strange Birthday (Season 1 - Part 2)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Vampire Chronicles)

I can finally walk in the sun, albeit I'll have to be careful so that no one gets these sunglasses away from me because yeah... the results won't be pretty.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Date : 7/6/2020)

(A/n : Michael's POV)

(A/n : Play this music)

The next morning I had woken up kinda early.

I know that it was summer, but I couldn't be sure that I wasn't going to go feral from not knowing how to control my new powers especially with the fact that currently I am essentially a vampire.

My mother Helen had went to work at the medical facility so she wasn't with me this morning and as if driven by... for lack of a better term morbid curiosity, I had looked at the news on the open TV.

My as of now ruby red eyes widened seeing the headline.


(A/n : Meanwhile at Volos during the time of the montage)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Currently at Volos, the young reporter Katherine Papagiannou was doing a news report about the armed robbery.

Fortunately for and her John Georgiopoulos, her trusty helper's/cameraman's safety had arrived at the place where the armed robbery took place they were as befuddled and surprised as the police officers were, seeing that the robbery was stopped before they arrived.

Mrs Papagiannou : "Well that's a shame, it appears that the robbery was dealt with as swiftly as it started. We're here with the head of Volos' Police Force Mr Kyriakos Hatzigeorgiou for more information about the armed robbery.

*she looked at the head of Volos' police force*

Mr Hatzigeorgiou, I'm Mrs Katherine Papagiannou, a reporter from ANT1 News since it appears that the armed robbery has been stopped, do you mind if I asked you some questions about the event?

Our viewers wish to know more information from you about the event.", she said to him, partly asking his consent to be interviewed about it, according to the reporter's behavioral rules.

Mr Hatzigeorgiou :" The pleasure is all mine Mrs Papagiannou. You may ask your questions now seeing that the robbery had been stopped.", he said to her calmly with a small smile.

Mrs Papagiannou :" For starters we had seen that you were as shocked as we were about the outcome of the armed robbery.

Why was that?

Wasn't it your men that had stopped the robbery? ", she asked him politely, a microphone was on her hands about the conversation, waiting eagerly for his answer.

(A/n : Play this music)

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