58: let's talk

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As the night settled in, Ricky found himself tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The sound of chirping crickets and the distant laughter from neighbouring campers seemed to keep him awake; Yujin's snoring didn't help either. He didn't want to disturb his friends, so he quietly slipped out of his sleeping bag and decided to step outside for some fresh air, hoping it would help clear his mind and lull him to sleep.

The night was magical, with a full moon casting a silvery glow over the wilderness. Ricky took a deep breath, the cool, crisp air filling his lungs. A sudden presence near him sent shivers down his spine, causing him to open his eyes to inspect his surroundings.

"Can't sleep?" Gyuvin asked, chuckling when Ricky nodded in response. "Me neither, Yujin's snoring woke me up."

Ricky huffed. "Can we go on a walk?" he asked, exhaustion coating his voice. A verbal reply isn't given; Gyuvin takes him by the hand and begins leading him down the path. Ricky wasn't sure whether they had a destination or not, but he didn't mind. He just needed some peace.

Gyuvin understood Ricky's need for some space and solitude. The two merely walked without saying a word, embracing the silence and the beauty of the night.

There was, in fact, a destination after all: the beach. Gyuvin had led Ricky to the beach. They found some large rocks near the shore, carefully climbed them and then sat, remaining silent the entire time.

Under the silvery glow of the moonlight, Gyuvin was a sight to behold. The night was serene, and the soft beams of the moon illuminated Gyuvin's face in a magical way. What truly stood out to Ricky were Gyuvin's eyes. Big and beautiful, they were like shimmering pools of stardust, reflecting the vast expanse of the universe itself. When Ricky looked into Gyuvin's eyes, he felt a connection beyond the material world, as if they were sharing an unspoken language of understanding and empathy.

"You know," Gyuvin started, "I didn't really like you when we first met," he admitted, a sheepish smile on his face.

Ricky was rendered speechless, however, a slight smile crept up onto his face. "I didn't like you either. You were really annoying to me, like, adding me to the group chat and all that."

"What the hell?" Gyuvin laughed, playfully pushing Ricky's shoulder. "I thought you were annoying too, like, okay, Mr. Young and Rich, Tall and Handsome."

Gasping dramatically in offence, Ricky brought a hand up to his chest. "When did I ever say that!" He frowned when Gyuvin started laughing, to which he rolled his eyes. "At least I know what you think of me now." After some silence, Ricky spoke once again. "I was actually kind of jealous of you when we met. You just do whatever you want."

"No way!" Gyuvin exclaimed with a smile. "There's no way we're this in sync! I was jealous of you because you're so cool." He reached a hand up to poke Ricky's cheek. "But you just ended up being a cutie patootie instead. Like, you act so tough when in actuality, you have an obsession with strawberries and biting me when you quote 'think I look cute.'"

"Shut up," Ricky chuckled, rolling his eyes as he lovingly pushed Gyuvin's shoulder. "I'm glad I fell for you."

Gyuvin smiled brightly; one that had a unique charm, infectious and full of life. It had the power to light up the entire beach, as if he carried a piece of the sun within him. "I'm glad I fell for you too." He pulled Ricky close to him by the waist, pressing the latter's back to his chest, resting his chin on Ricky's shoulder. "I love you," Gyuvin whispered, pressing a kiss to the blonde's cheek.

Ricky's tense shoulders relaxed, and a sigh of relief escaped his lips. In Gyuvin's embrace, he felt a sense of security and reassurance that everything would be alright. "I love you too, Gyuvin."

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