1 Condition

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Part 1 Condition

I'm Arnav Singh Raizada. Young business tycoon. Life won't provide what we wish for. I'm also not exceptional. I too faced a terrible twist and turns in my life. This is my life journey. I would like to share it with you. Put on your seatbelt and get ready for the ride because I always drive my car speedily but safely.

My family was everything to me. I would do anything to make my family happy. I heard a lot about myself from beautiful girls. Girls openly flattered me. I didn't know why I didn't like to give heed to the girls around me. It was because I didn't want to get into any CONDITIONAL atmosphere. I wanted to rule my life. I should be the boss of my emotions. I didn't like to go with the flow. My life should go as I wanted. So, I didn't like to get into a relationship even though girls were ready to do anything for me. I had such an aura.

Ratna Singh Raizada, my mother. She was the world to me. She was an ideal woman any family should get. But unfortunately, she got a husband who didn't know her value. The main reason why I didn't want to get into a relationship was my mother. I had a dream that I wanted my wife to be a FRIEND to my mother. She would be a stress buster to my mother. My mother should like to see her daughter-in-law if she was in grief. I didn't cross such a girl in my life so far. Every girl's focus was only on ME. So, I was still single even after having all the features a man should have.

My father Arvind Singh Raizada, business and prestige freak. He would do anything to develop his business and do anything to save his prestige. He wanted me to take over his business. I too was ready to do that because I had no choice. I had to... because I was the son of my parents. It didn't mean I was their only heir. I had two sisters, Anjali and Payal. Anjali Di's husband was Shyam Manohar, a lawyer. Getting my Di married to Shyam was the only thing my father did without caring about his prestige. Shyam is an orphan. Yet, my father agreed to their wedding not because he had concern for him. It was because he had a sentiment. Our family astrologer said if Anjali Di went from RM getting married, my father would face a huge loss in his business. That was enough for my father. He was not ready to get her married at first because he wanted my Di to be with him. When he got to know my Di was in love with Shyam, my father put a condition in front of him that he should be in RM after the marriage. Shyam accepted his condition for the sake of my sister Anjali. So, my father accepted him as his son-in-law. Now, Shyam was in Raizada Mansion with his wife Anjali and daughters Jiya and Diya. Yeah, they were Anjali Di's daughters. They were not just brilliant but also naughtier.

Last but not least... my baby sister Payal. We had six years of difference but the bond between us was something unusual. I was the first person she would like to share anything. We were friends more than siblings. She understood me more than anyone did. And, her happiness was essential to me. I would do anything to bring a smile to her face.

Now... I was in a critical situation to fulfill her wish. She wished for nothing but Akash Gupta... the great Shashi Gupta's son. The Gupta family was one of the Royal families in India. They were dealing with numerous businesses not only in India but also abroad. They were a hundred times wealthier than Raizadas. Yet, they were ready to take the alliance forward. But, with one condition.

If we wanted Payal's marriage to happen with Akash, I should marry Akash's sister Khushi Gupta. This wedding was nothing but a give-and-take policy. I didn't know why they wanted me to marry their daughter when they had the best options than me. After all, they were Royals... The wealthiest India Grooms would be ready to marry her. Then why me? I didn't know.

I was purely not fine with this marriage because that was not what I wanted. I wanted a family-oriented girl as my wife and Khushi Gupta would not be the one because she was a ROYAL HEIR. She could never understand my mother's turmoil and needs. I doubt if she would talk to my mother with a smiling face.

Then how could I be fine with this marriage? According to me, this was a disaster. It was going to destroy my dream, my desire, my life... everything. I would have to live my life like a slave of Khushi Gupta.

My father didn't hear what I liked. He was not ready to know my wish. What all he wanted was, the firmness in the business that met a sudden downfall. Our company faced a severe crash in the stock market. We could not figure out how it happened all of a sudden. My father was devastated. He lost his hope completely. He was ready to do anything to lift our company up.

That was when Guptas came up with an alliance. We got to know their son Akash Gupta and my sister Payal were in love with each other. My father felt helpless as we had nothing in our hands to take the Royal alliance. We spent all our savings on our company in the process of saving it from the downfall. We didn't think we could make it up to their level. But, to our surprise, they didn't demand anything from us.

More than that, they were ready to create business tie-ups with AR. That was least expected by us. Guptas seemed like a God in our eyes who were struggling for help in the deep sea called loss. We were happy but our happiness didn't stay... I mean, MY happiness didn't stay when they put a condition in front of us.

They wanted me... Arnav Singh Raizada to marry their daughter Khushi Gupta to obtain the benefits they were ready to give us.

Arvind Singh Raizada, my father was not ready to miss such a grand alliance that was going to turn into his business partner. Being a pure businessman, my father availed the great chance, sacrificing his son's happiness. He agreed to Gupta's condition without even knowing about my consent.

I never wanted to get into any CONDITIONAL atmosphere. But now, I was forced to accept the CONDITION of Guptas. And my father didn't mind whether I was ready to accept it or not.

To be continued...

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