Chapter 12 the magic wand

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Lindsay's POV

Did that really just happen? Were Rachel and Ashley telling the truth about all of this?

"I thought you were sisters this whole time, you never said anything about not being sisters" I said

"Oh,well we thought you didn't know,
We just thought...that even if you knew we were...sisters...we had to confess at some point just to let our secret out. You know"?
Rachel said nervously.

"Ok now that that's been taken care of we have to go on a little quest". "yeah I lied about training soooo let's go"

I lead every one back into the main castle and took them to the library where there's a fire place so I could get our quest started.

Rachel's POV
Lindsay had led us into the library in the main castle were she started a fire in the fireplace. She grabbed a torch of the wall and lit it in the fire, and put it out by pouring water on it.

"This way" she said guiding us

"Where are we going"? I asked

"To the grim library"

Lindsay walked over to a book shelf a pulled down on one of the books which was actually a lever that opened up a secret passage.

"Wow" me and Ashley said amazed by what had just happened.

"It's this way" Lindsay pointed down a dark hallway that stopped and had stairs leading down the way

"Come on guys this will be cool" dani said pushing us forward.
We reached the library and it was too dark to see until Lindsay asked Ashley to step on a small platform and instantly a bunch of torches lit up the room

"We are looking for a magic wand" Owen said. I forgot he was here.

We walked in different directions looking for the wand. There was so many things in boxes, on shelves, things in boxes on top of shelves. I picked up what seemed to be a magic mirror but when I looked into it my reflection wasn't there.
"That's weird" I thought
Dani came over and took the mirror from me and put it in her bag

"Hey guys I think I found it" Ashley called out

"Good then I think we have everything we need" Owen called out

"Wait everything"? Ashley and I said In Unison

"Yep we need more than one thing" said Dani. "And we found them all.

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