Ch. 5 - The Whole 'Being Dead' Thing

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im back bitches (with upgrades, like, major upgrades)
i know i said this was discontinued but have you ever heard of: "no u" HAHA HA IM SO FUCKING FUNNY LMAO please kill me


Shiyu floated an inch above the couch, sitting cross-legged. Shigaraki sat beside her, clearly disgruntled by her presence.

Kurogiri stepped into the room.

"Shigaraki," he said, "the master will be visiting. Make yourself presentable."

Shigaraki grunted dismissively, scratching his neck. Shiyu 'ooh'ed.

"Who's this master, is he the big-ass raisin that shows up on the TV every now and then?" Shigaraki ignored her.


The door leading to the outside opened, a large man with tubes connected to his face as what she assumed to be a kind of life-support. When he was facetiming the villains (he has no face though) he was always in a dark room. Now that he's in a much brighter area it was easier to pick out his facial features. Feature, actually; only one thing stood out about him: his baldness. And his wrinkly-ness, she supposed. It was all his face was made of.

He really does look like a raisin, she noted as he walked further into the room. Shiyu locked eyes with him— which was weird and really creepy as he didn't even have eyes. Any that she could see anyways.

The raisin blatantly ignored her, instead favoring to turn himself towards Kurogiri. Shiyu felt offended.

The 'master' spoke quietly to Kurogiri. Kurogiri nodded and excused himself, swirling into the shape of a portal before shrinking quickly then disappearing.

He rotated back around, taking Shiyu in fully.

"And you are?" he asked, "one of the recruits for the league, yes?"

"Nah, I just kind of live here. Would leave if I could, though." She responded. He simply gave an expression (how does he make expressions without a face?) that insinuated for her to elaborate.

Forced to do so, she proceeded.

"So, essentially, I died. Here. Then I woke up! Here. As a ghost," She made a 'whoo' noise, lengthening the 'oo'. Raisin-face was not impressed, simply lifting a non-existent eyebrow (how?!). She continued, "Tried to leave, I did. Unsucceed, I did. Locked in here, I am."

"Right," Raisin-face was clearly unamused. Shiyu chuckled nervously. He stood there, seeming to contemplate something. After a long moment of awkward silence, he spoke up, "You're immortal?"

"Y-yes, I suppose I would be. Yes." She smiled shakily. The man was emitting a spine-chilling aura. He reached out and his hand passed through her chest.


All for One reached into the young lady's torso. His hand passed through like one would assume, with the consequence of his hand feeling like it touched death itself. Under the idea her ghost form was a quirk that would only activate after death, he used his power to steal it.

It didn't work. Whether that was because he technically wasn't touching her or because it didn't work like that, he didn't know.

Retrieving his hand and putting it back to his side, he brushed the leftover tingly feeling off on his shirt.

She blinked at All for One, no doubt bemused by his actions. She shifted uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze.

"Kurogiri didn't seem to notice you," he observed.

"Right! That's because only a few people can see me. Not sure why, though." she nodded. He examined her.

"I may have a solution for that."

"You do?" she stood agape. All for One hummed in affirmation.

"What's your name?" he questioned.


"I am known as All for One." she nodded vehemently.

"So, how are you going to help me with my ghost problem?"

"Like this." All for One activated one of the stolen quirks he had stored, and channeled it through Shiyu. He wasn't certain that it would work, but it should, technically speaking.

The quirk was labeled Humanizer and, like its name, it humanized practically anything. It could be rather disturbing at times, if you used it on a tortoise for instance, the tortoise would stand on its hind legs and chat on and on about taxes and 'kids these days'.

However, it also was effective on inanimate objects and ethereal entities. Said ethereal entities being the result of others' quirks.

Shiyu appeared to have felt a tingle, and seemed quite surprised herself. She grinned as it took effect and flew a bee-line straight for the door.


Shiyu darted for the door, eyes aching for the sight of the sun after being deprived of it for twenty-five years. She stopped herself right in front of the door and stared at it.

She reached for the door, expecting it to feel solid beneath her hand. Her fingertips outstretched themselves and rather than settling her fingers onto the rigid door, Shiyu's hand passed through.

Soon thereafter, she dashed through and her eyes were met with a sunset. The oh-so familiar sight would've caused her knees to buckle if she were standing. She couldn't help but sob.

All for One placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. Shiyu took note of the touch and saw her skin replenish itself from the stark white color and back to its original hue. She caught sight of her hair, which hadn't changed back from its platinum white but she figured that it could always be dyed.

"What, how-" Shiyu found herself at a loss for words, "How?"

All for One merely smiled mysteriously. That bitch.

"Thanks," She said, grateful "I really owe you one."


Shiyu has lots of potential. She'll make a useful asset.


e*AHEM* hello. how ar you? im good, yes yes yes.

if u know me irl: no you don't (im lookin at u sipn)
*bites lip seductively*

i want to write fics but i got no ideas so i just be continuing this one (give ideas pls)

i discovered danny phantom and now i am basing shiyu off him and hisghostly abilityies bc i hav no imagination

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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