Chapter 25: Home

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The music roared from behind the gate, if you looked closely enough you could see it shaking from the vibrations. The fall festival was in full swing, the smell of pumpkin pie, spices, and cider made your mouth water in anticipation. You looked up at Donna who smiled back down at you, she held your hand tightly and you squeezed hers in response. Donna took a deep breath and pushed open the gate to reveal everyone dressed up like different monsters and creatures; kids were running around with chocolate and other sugary delights coating their mouths. You clutched the envelope closer to your chest to keep it from blowing away in the cold breeze, Donna side stepped out of the way for some children to run through.

Since the wedding she's been more open to coming into the village, the villagers threw you and her a large celebration in honor of your marriage. Contrary to her belief, the villagers were accepting of Donna, many of them understandably skeptical at first but welcomed her nonetheless. You and her passed by a stall with freshly baked cinnamon rolls, Donna's eye widened to the size of the moon and stopped dead in her tracks. It seems the kids of the village wouldn't be the only ones with a sugar high this night. Donna looked over at you, silently asking to get one and you sighed defeatedly.

"Fine, but only one you hear me? Otherwise you're sleeping with Angie tonight." You warned.

Donna perked up and kissed your cheek before turning toward the vendor while reaching into her pocket for the lei. On your wedding night, instead of fucking your brains out, Donna spent all night puking out hers because she discovered the wonders of unadulterated access to sugar. You waited patiently until she returned with half the roll already eaten within the two steps it took from you to the stall, she offered you the other half and you acted shocked at the gesture. She shrugged and pulled it back to eat it but you swiped it from her hand and stuffed it into your mouth. Donna smirked and kissed you, licking the sugar from the corner of your lips while doing so.

With your face fully red all the way to your ears, Donna smirked triumphantly then took your hand again to lead you toward the village center. The music was getting louder to the point it hurt your ears from how close you were standing, but thankfully you didn't have to stand long because you saw who you were looking for. Cassandra was walking on the other side of the center with her sisters, their mother right behind them and all of them ducked into the blacksmith's shop. You ran over with Donna in tow and caught the door before it fully closed behind them and slipped on in, Daniela spotted you first of course and embraced you in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh you guys came! I'm so happy to see you." Daniela squealed.

"You just saw us a few days ago when we visited you." You choked out.

"A few days is a few months in Daniela time." Bela joked.

Daniela released you and paused in front of Donna, she hesitated at first but then opened her arms and braced when Daniela lunged into her full force. Johanna came out from a door behind the counter and smiled brightly at Cassandra who leaned on her elbows on the counter. You glanced over at Alcina who was distracted by something hanging in the window then crept over to Cassandra and leaned next to her.

"I have something for you." You said quietly as you slid the envelope over.

Cassandra gasped and took it within a blink, "what is it?" she asked curiously.

"Well...remember that conversation we had where you said you wanted to leave the village? I'm giving you all the assets my aunt left me. You can do whatever you please with them, sell them, keep them, I don't have any use for any of it. There is one condition though, you have to mail me a souvenir from every place you travel to, even if it's just a postcard."

The two of them stared at you like you just spoke to them in a different language, you glanced between them and felt a familiar heat rush to your ears.

Phantom of House Beneviento (Donna X Fem Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin