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Cyno sighed as he made his way up towards the Akademiya. Since you and Nilou had left Sumeru City the day before, he'd both Al Haitham and a few other people about possible leads regarding your vision, but nothing had been fruitful.

In fact, he'd worked so late into the night before that Kaveh had had to kick him out of the records area until morning, and he almost never got involved when it came to cases like this.

Still, he'd gotten up bright and early today and immediately headed straight for the Akademiya. By now, his possible leads had mostly run dry, but before meeting back up with you in Gandharva Ville, there were a few more potentially useful files he'd seen that he wanted to look into. After all, if there was even a chance he could find the information you needed here, he was going to take it, for both your sake and Sumeru's.

However, as he made his way up the last flight of stairs, he suddenly paused, seeing a man he'd never met before standing on the balcony with the same group of fatui that had attacked you the day before.

He had navy blue hair and wore a huge blue and green hat that drew a lot of attention. It also seemed he had an anemo vision, and he was facing the fatui with a menacing glare.

"Tell me what went down here yesterday." He ordered, "Or we can do this the hard way, if you prefer."

"W-we were just following orders, I swear!" One of the men from the group replied quickly, putting up his hands in the hoped he wouldn't be attacked. "We're sorry for attacking them!" The man's eyes narrowed, along with Cyno's, at their pleas.

"I don't care that you were ordered to do it," he replied harshly, "Do you have any idea what you could have done? You put everyone in the city at risk."

"We're sorry!" One of the other group members spoke up, but the man with the hat just shot them another glare, causing them to shut their mouth."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me where they are now." He said lowly, lowering his head do the hat covered part of his face. The group all shrank back, before the first man who had spoke up finally cleared his throat.

"W-we don't exactly know..." He said meekly, only making the man more angry. "A girl showed up with a hydro vision and put out the fires before we could even cause any damage! And then a man from the Akademiya claiming to be one of the matra took us into custody. That's all we know!"

"You don't even know which direction they went?" The man with the hat scoffed, "What did the girl look like?"

"She had red hair and seemed to be some kind of dancer," One of the fatui replied, "A-and...I think they went down into the city, but I swear I had no idea where!"

There was a moment of silence before the man finally growled quietly.

"Fine, then leave now and tell no one I was here," he replied, turning so his back faced towards them, "Otherwise, I'll hunt you down myself and make sure you never live to see another day." Everyone in the group nodded, and then quickly took off running before he could change his mind.

Cyno moved to a more discreet location behind one of the pillars surrounding the balcony, watching as the man with the hat began searching around the balcony, as if looking for something.

This wouldn't have been an abnormal occurrence, except the spot he happened to be studying most was the exact one you'd had your scuffle with the fatui in the day before, and Cyno had just witnessed this very same man demanding to know your whereabouts.

Though you'd mostly left the area unharmed, only really burning yourself in that particular episode, there was still a bit of singed floor left behind where you'd stood, and he knew this man had noticed it. He was bending down to get a closer look, frowning as his hands traced over the slightly burnt ground.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙪𝙥𝙩 𝙑𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 | Various Genshin x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum