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We visited his grave every day and visited him occasionally when we slept over. Even though he was gone, he was still part of the group. We made flower crowns, went dancing, went on space adventures, and even celebrated everyone's birthdays there. Sunny shared his sketchbook with us, it was interesting. Not too long after, we went back to school. It was lonely walking to class without him but I knew that I wasn't alone. Hero and Mari went off to college, leaving me, Kel, and Basil. We continue hanging out and we end up meeting a few others. We never forgot about Sunny and we would still visit him often. His spirit seemed to age like us, and as he got older, I noticed a change in his personality and clothing choices. He seemed a lot more elegant and gentle, he seemed like he would often read silently in a library. Every time I'd visit I'd see him reading a book with Bewo in his lap. He would always greet me in the same way,

"Welcome back, love."

We enjoyed every moment together, while Kel was off becoming a basketball player, and Basil was running a florist shop, I was studying to be a therapist while hanging out with him. I didn't mind it. He always treated me right and made sure to never overwhelm me. I often would visit Basil and check on him and tell Sunny how he was doing. We all made sure to support each other in everything we did.

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