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We all loved Sunny. He was not much of a talkative person due to an accident he had, but he was a great listener. He would listen as we vented out our frustrations, comforted us whenever we needed it, and would give us advice. Looking back, he never asked to vent to us; instead, he kept his feelings inside. We never knew that he would do this.

Sunny walked with us to school today. Hero wasn't feeling well so Mari stayed home to take care of him. Basil and Kel were discussing cacti while Sunny walked up to us.

"Hey, Sunny. How are you today?" I asked.

Sunny waved, cliff-faced as usual.

"I'm fine." He said.

Kel and Basil notice Sunny.

"Sunny! My dude! How was your weekend?" Kel says, in his usual excitement.

"It was decent, Mari and I fought again but that's all I remember." He said.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why? What caused her to be mad at you?" Basil asks.

"I-I don't know. She was mad at me because of how close the recital was. I just haven't felt like playing."

Sunny stood there, silently he took out his water and took a small sip. We all looked at him.

"Hey, what if we talked to her?" I ask

Sunny shakes his head.

The bus arrived and we sat down. Sunny sits next to me. I offer him a stick of my gum, but he declines.

"So, Sunny? Have you thought about what you want for your birthday?" Kel asks.

He shakes his head.

"Awww," Kel says in disappointment.

"I think I know what I'm getting you," I tell him.

"You don't have to."

I could tell his throat hurt a bit.

"Too bad! I already got it. It's at my house."

I give him a big smile. His eyes seem to shimmer a bit but he remains neutral in expression. The bus lets us off. Kel and Basil walk the other way as I and Sunny walk to the first block. Sunny glances at me for a second before looking away.

"Hm? You alright Sunny?" I ask.

He looks away, almost embarrassed at me noticing.

"Sunny, you don't have to be embarrassed."

He looks even more embarrassed.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" I ask walking a little faster to give him the distance. He grabs my arm.

"...No," He says, holding my arm. His voice is weak.

I shrug and we walk together the rest of the way.

"I dunno if you noticed but I dyed my ends and a streak pink in my hair!" I say excitedly.

"I did notice. It looks pretty." I could hear him struggle to say.

Sunny sits down at his desk as I sit at the desk next to him. Sunny grabs out his notebook and starts taking notes. A piece of paper hits him on the head. I take it and read. It was calling him a freak and telling him to commit death.

"Hey! Fuck you assholes! You wanna mess with Sunny, you gotta go through me!" I yell.

"AUBREY! Headmaster's office now!" The teacher yelled.

Sunny watched as I grabbed my stuff and left with a sigh.

The trip to the headmaster's office was boring and I kept hoping Sunny was okay. Sunny stopped by the office after class when they let me go.

MARI'S MENACE (OMORI AU)Where stories live. Discover now