CHAPTER 14: return to normal

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It's been about a week since Mari and I were dispatched from the hospital. Our stitches were fully healed.

During this time, I visited Sunny a lot. He was learning how to make flower crowns again. To celebrate Mari and I leaving the hospital, we all decided to have a sleepover at Mari's house.

Hero, Kel, and Basil are in the kitchen, making dinner. Mari and I sit on her couch.

"Sooo Mari. how are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling fine. Thanks"

Mari looks at the kitchen.

"So uh would this be a bad time to tell you something?"

" I don't think so?"

"I'm dating Sunny."

Mari immediately turns her head to me, furious.

"What was that Aubrey?"

"Ya know what, never mind! Haha!"

Mari slaps me so hard that I get teleported to headspace. Sunny sits in the treehouse, playing with Bewo.

"Oh! Aubrey! I thought you would have come later?"

"That's the thing. Mari slapped me so hard that I was transported here."

"Holy crap. I forgot about how strong she is. What did you do to piss her off?"

"Nothing! I just told her that we're dating!"

"Ah. That's it. She's very protective of me."

"So do you just hang out here now?"
"Pretty much."

Mari wakes up in headspace.

"AUBREY!" she screams.

I stare at her, terrified. I hold Sunny in fear.

"Oh hey, Sunny!" she says sweetly.

Sunny doesn't say anything.

"Tell me, little brother, are you and Aubrey dating?" She asks.

Sunny nods.

Mari gives me a look. Not long after, Hero, Basil, and Kel enter headspace.

"What the? Where are we?" Kel asks.

"Kel! Basil! Hero!" Sunny says, excitedly.

They all look at Sunny, unbelieving.

"Sunny!?" they all say in unison.

"Hey, guys! I've missed you!"

They all give Sunny a giant hug. All four of them break into tears. Bewo comes up to me in confusion. I pet her.

"To be honest, I don't know either, Bewo."

Everyone goes down to the garden.

"WOAH!" Kel says in amazement.

"I know right!" Hero agrees.

Everyone sits on the picnic blanket. Lemonade, cookies, and fruit are set up on the blanket.

Kel grabs a cookie and starts eating it.

"Sorry if it isn't as good as Mari's. I haven't yet remembered how to make them like her." Sunny apologizes.

"Dude! Are you kidding? These taste better than Mari's!" Kel says.

Everyone grabs a cookie and eats it. We all agree that these are in fact, better than Mari's.

"Oh, Sunny! I'm so proud!" Mari exclaims.

"So, you don't think of me as a menace?"

"No! And even if you were, you would be my menace."

MARI'S MENACE (OMORI AU)Where stories live. Discover now