"Oh! Hey Sunny." He catches me off guard.

"...Hi," He says.

"I didn't think you would wait for me," I told him.

"... I'm sorry." He says.

"For what? You didn't do anything."

"I got you in trouble. I didn't want to."

I grab his head and hold it.

"Look at me, Sunny. I will protect you no matter what. Got it?"

He nods.

I let go of him and he hugs me.

"We should get to our classes."


I walk Sunny to his class before going to mine. The people from earlier stop me after my class. They try to look threatening. They fail, and I laugh.

"Oooh so scary~ Anyway, fuck ya I got lunch to eat."

Kel runs up to me as I walked to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Aubrey!"

"Hey, Kel, what's up?"

"When is Sunny's birthday again? I kinda forgot."

"Ugh, Kel. His birthday is next Tuesday, remember? We get out of school tomorrow for the break?"

"Right. Thanks, Aubrey."

We go and sit at the table with Sunny and Basil.

"Anyway, Aubrey? Who were those guys you were talking to before I came up to you?"

I put my hand on Sunny's shoulder.

"Do you want me to tell them?"

He shrugs. The others look at me confused.

"A bunch of dudes was making fun of Sunshine over here. I was telling them off."

Kel brings out his phone and starts texting someone while everyone is insulting the dudes.

"Who ya texting Kel?"

He looks at me.

"Hm? Oh, I'm texting Hero about what happened."


Kel almost laughs.

"Hero just told Mari and she's pissed."

The table went silent. Sunny looks a bit scared. I put my arm around him.

"Sunshine, she isn't mad at you. She is mad at the people who made fun of you, and even if she would be mad at you, we all got your back."

He calms down. The rest of the day flies by. Sunny, Basil, Kel, and I head home. I walk Sunny inside. Mari was waiting for him. She looked pissed. Sunny moved behind me.

"What happened?" She sternly asks.

" Hero told you everything we know."

"Aubrey, I asked Sunny, not you."

"I don't care, you can't talk to him until you're calmed down."

" What?" She looked furious.

I take Sunny away from her. He seems thankful for my actions.

"Get back here. I'm not done. Sunny, will we forget why we were arguing last night?"

Sunny looked at me for comfort.

"HERO! CALM YOUR GIRL!" Hero ran out to see what happened.

"Sunny? Aubrey? What's wrong? Why is Mari so angry?"

"Hero. I want Sunny to tell me what happened."

"I told you everything that happened. Plus you're scaring Sunny."

I held Sunny closer to me, I could feel small tears fall onto my shoulder. She noticed and immediately ran to him.

"Sunny! I'm so sorry! I just wanted to know!"

Sunny moves past Mari and goes upstairs. Hero, Mari, and I were standing there.

"Umm, I guess we should go home."

Hero leaves and I follow. When I get home I text Sunny.

"Hey, Sunshine, how ya holding up?"

"I'm okay. Sorry about earlier."

"It's all good Sunshine."

The next day, I opened my door to see Sunny about to knock on my door. He was looking at the floor, almost like he didn't notice that I opened the door.

"Morning, Sunshine."

He jumps up, spooked by my sudden speech.


I giggle to myself.

Sunny and I met everyone at the park.

MARI'S MENACE (OMORI AU)Where stories live. Discover now