Start from the beginning

"Harry. . ." he whispered, "you shouldn't be here, not for many, many years. . ."

"I'm still alive, Professor. I just needed to talk to you," Harry said frantically, assuring him that his company would be temporary. "So much has happened."

He told his mentor about the pendant belonging to Jarik Lowen and how it allowed the living into the realm of the dead‭. ‬He told‭ ‬him about the Chamber and the new secrets they discovered‭, ‬the untouched abode of Salazar Slytherin‭, ‬the portraits‭, ‬their Animagi journey and finding‭ ‬Experiments of the Sullen Wizard‭.‬‭ ‬He used the word‭ ‬"we"‭ ‬when describing it all‭. ‬

Dumbledore inquired about what he meant by that‭. ‬"Are you referring to Weasley and Granger‭?‬"

Harry shook his head‭. ‬"Actually‭,‬"‭ ‬he said‭, ‬"Draco Malfoy is trying to get rid of the Dark Mark‭, ‬and I'm helping him‭.‬"

Dumbledore stared off into the distance in recollection of how he died. Harry patiently awaited his wisdom, as he had missed it dearly.

"So unforgivable . . . to force one's own child to throw away their future for personal gain. It's despicable, don't you think?" Dumbledore opined, breathily, "A family without love is no family at all."

"He doesn't speak to them anymore," Harry said awkwardly.

"Of course not. I'm sure he finds it difficult. . ." Dumbledore raspily drawled, "Every child deserves the love of a parent, but not every parent deserves the love of their child."

Harry fidgeted with the bracelet Draco had gifted him. He almost forgot he was wearing it. He refused to think about the fact that he never took it off. The iron beads were cold.

He avowed to Dumbledore, "I never would've guessed we'd be able to not hate each other.‭ ‬I think I saw him as my enemy‭, ‬when I was younger‭.‬"

Dumbledore grinned expectantly, "And now?"

"I realize he never was. My enemy was and has always been Voldemort. Draco and I are rivals, but we're not enemies."

Dumbledore grinned proudly at his pupil, "You've grown up, Harry."

"We all have."

Dumbledore nodded serenely, at peace. "I don't know if he would care to hear from me . . . but be sure to tell him that I'm proud of him—for finding the courage . . . to finally make the right choices."

"I will." Harry agreed, "You have my word."

And then the winds of closure rolled in, like a wave of relief washing over a trampled shore, reverting the sands to their original state before humanity disturbed them. Harry felt renewed—reborn.

"And promise me another thing, Harry," Dumbledore croaked.


"That next time I see you at King's Cross‭, ‬you'll look gray‭, ‬withered‭, ‬and‭ ‬almost‭ ‬as old as me‭," Dumbledore disclosed, chortling with a low rumble.

Harry tittered, "I promise."

He half anticipated this happening—that Dumbledore wouldn't want him to use Lowen's pendant to visit again. The afterlife was no place for the living.

Harry's vision returned to him as he desperately gasped for air, the burn in his lungs slowly subsiding.

Ron parted the red drapes hanging from the canopy and greeted Harry gingerly, "You alright?"

Harry confirmed that he was still very much alive.

"This may be a bad time, but you're really late to Hooch's class," Ron reminded him, wincing.

Rivals Not Enemies (Drarry Slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now