Start from the beginning

"I like your accent." Harry said, "Are you from the states?"

Deja waved away his compliment‭, "‬Yeah‭, ‬I'm from New Orleans‭. ‬My parents and I moved to North Yorkshire four years ago‭."‬

‭"‬So‭, ‬you're a first year‭?" ‬Harry realized it was a stupid question‭, ‬as she seemed just as unfamiliar with the wizarding world as‭ ‬he had been at age eleven‭, ‬in his first year‭. ‬However‭, ‬Deja was quite tall and would easily tower over any first year‭.‬

‭"‬Yeah‭ . . . ‬I'm the oldest one in my class‭, ‬though‭." ‬She sighed‭.‬

‭"‬How do you mean‭?" ‬Harry asked‭, ‬not considering that to be a big deal‭.‬

"I'll be 16, this April."

Harry felt his jaw drop. "B-blimey! How does that happen?" he sputtered.

‭"‬I've gotten the acceptance letters for years‭, ‬but my parents were afraid‭. ‬It's not just a boarding school‭, ‬after all—it's a magical one‭. ‬They thought it was a prank‭, ‬at first‭."‬

Harry cocked his head,‭ ‬intent on hearing the rest of the story that Deja omitted‭, ‬"What made them change their minds?"

‭"‬Well‭, ‬I've blown up the fuse box a couple times by accident‭, ‬and they blamed it on faulty wiring‭.‬"‭ ‬She pouted pensively‭, ‬"I think my parents finally came around when they woke up to an indoor snowstorm‭."‬

‭"‬Oh." ‬Harry said eloquently‭.‬

"The hail was much worse."

Harry let out a much lower‭ ‬‭"‬Oh‭"‬‭ ‬and tried to empathize with her‭, "‬I freed a boa constrictor from its zoo enclosure‭, ‬once‭. ‬He wanted to go to Brazil‭.‬"‭ ‬He saw the incredulous look on Draco's face and shrugged‭, ‬"It seemed reasonable at the time‭."‬

Deja took this as a joke told in light-heartedness and laughed. She stopped when she realized Harry wasn't laughing with her. "Oh, you're serious?"

‭"‬Harry's always had an affinity for snakes‭." ‬Draco elaborated‭, ‬regally‭.‬

Harry tried to telepathically communicate to Draco to remind him of his rule which forbade them from using their first‭ ‬names in public‭, ‬but it went unregistered‭. ‬He felt like a weirdo in the silent‭, ‬one-sided exchange‭. ‬

Deja eyed the twinkling flitter of fairies‭, ‬chipperly returning to Draco‭. "‬I can't believe I've been searching for fairies my whole life in the Muggle world‭, ‬and you can find them so easily here‭!" ‬She smiled‭, "‬If you won't go with me‭, ‬then yell if you need‭ ‬anything‭." ‬She skipped away with avidity to get a closer look‭.‬

Once they were alone‭, ‬Harry raised his brow at Malfoy‭, "‬What the hell was that‭? ‬Did you forget about your own rule‭?"‬

Draco insisted with a stern defensiveness‭, "‬Deja is the only person who heard it‭, ‬and I know she wouldn't judge us for it‭. ‬With‭ ‬zero magical background‭, ‬she has no idea who I am‭," ‬Draco loosened his folded arms‭, "‬or what I've done in my past‭." ‬Something sparked a complacent joy from Draco‭. "‬Hell‭! ‬She didn't even know who‭ ‬you‭ ‬were‭!"‬

"Yeah, I guess that's refreshing." Harry agreed, "But . . . what would your parents say?"

"Doesn't matter. My father's in Azkaban." Draco chuckled darkly.

Harry sensed tension in the air‭, ‬as he didn't find humor in that fact‭. ‬He tried to ease the uneasy atmosphere with dignity‭, "‬What about your mum‭? ‬She was pardoned by the Wizengamot. . ."‬

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