"Fuck this." He started moving people out his way. They all tried to stop him because they knew where he was headed.

"Yo Chris chill man!" Sinko grabbed his arm but he roughly snatched away, continuing his stride to Mya.

"Chris you promised." Kayla said, trying to get his attention but he ignored her.

Eventually he was in Mya's face. "Can I talk to you?" The liquor on his breath was strong. That man was out of his body.

"No, move Chris."

"Why you don't wanna talk to me? Why you doing this?"

"Can you please get out of my face." Mya tried to move him away but instead his arm wrapped around her body and his hand gripped her side. "Let me go."

"You really wanna just walk away from me, from everything. I'm sorry Mya, why can't you forgive me?"

"Let me go."

"No man, you gone fucking talk to me." His finger pointed in her face. "I love you so much and you know I cant survive without yo ass and you gone file for a fucking divorce? Really Mya?"

"Can you let me go and leave me the fuck alone?! Am I going to need a restraining order next?!"

Phones were out and recording every second of this chaos.

Chris laughed at Mya's comment. "That's real funny, you got jokes huh?"

"You got two seconds to get off of me or ima start swinging. I swear on everything I love."

"Bro come on." Brian said while grabbing Chris. "You drunk and it's just making shit worse."

"I'm not drunk." Chris's words slurred badly as he turned to Brian. "I'm trying to talk to this bitch—."

He was instantly cut off by Mya's fist going into the side of his face. "DONT CALL ME NO BITCH!" She attempted to swing again but everybody started grabbing her. "I HATE YOU!"

"No you don't, you could never hate me." His security now had a hold of him. "Let me go dawg, I'm trying to talk to my wife."

"I swear to God if he comes back over here I will beat his ass! Get him away from me!" Mya yelled. "Why didn't y'all try harder to keep him where he was?!"

"I hate that you showing out for everybody Mya." Chris continued.

"I'm not showing out. I'm done, we're done. Fuck you!"

"We ain't ever gone be done baby and you know it! Call yo lawyer and tell her don't waste her time."

"Please get him out of here." Mariah said to Hoody.

"We are man."

"Y'all see why I didn't wanna fucking come?!" Mya cried to Kayla and Mariah. "He just embarrassed the fuck out of me. I hate him so much."

"Come on man, let's go." Tim said while pulling her into his arms so that they could walk out.

Outside Chris was even worse. He was now out of his shirt and fighting damn near anybody. "Don't touch me, I ain't going nowhere unless my wife with me."

"Nigga you need to go sober up. You making shit worse!" Sinko yelled at him.

"I ain't doing shit."

"Chris, this ain't working. You got people recording you and this crazy shit about to be on every blog." Brian told him making Chris laugh.

"Why is this nigga in my face? I don't care about no blogs. Like I said, I'm not leaving unless Mya with me."

Mya and everybody else eventually walked out the club. She heard Chris calling her name repeatedly but did her best to ignore him.

"Just give her some time C." Hoody grabbed him.

"All I wanna do is tell her I'm sorry bro, that's all. I cannot fucking lose my wife. She's the best thing that ever happened to me."

"I know man, I know."

"So why y'all letting her walk away from me? Please tell her to talk to me."

Sighing in defeat, Hoody looked back at the truck Mya was in. "Let me go talk to her, you gotta chill though."

"I will."

Hoody walked over to the truck and opened the back door. Tears rolled down Mya's face and all she wanted to do was leave.

"Mya, I'll never ask you for anything else if you just do me this one favor." He said.

"Y'all really horrible, you didn't see what that nigga just did to her and you want her to go with him because he throwing a fucking temper tantrum?!" Mariah yelled. "Get the fuck away from this car Hoody."

"Alright." Sighing in defeat, he backed up and went back to
Chris. "It ain't happening man and you gotta understand why though."

Chris just stared off in space before looking at his friend. "I'm not getting her back this time, am I?"

"Come on so you can get some rest."

Finally just giving up, Chris climbed into the sprinter, taking his seat in the back.

Once again he tried to tell his body to relax, but he couldn't. It was really over, he really lost her and there was no coming back.

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