Stlw/Tobyn - Seasonal Emotions

Start from the beginning

"Shit. The plants. must check the plants." (Italics is in his head.)

"Why did Toby have to hug me?! Jeez did he not know?"

Annoyance came strolling in as the forest guardian found himself weighed down with Toby's arm around him, pulling them closer.

"LittleSummer always does this on my first day! I need to make sure LittleSummer doesn't do this next year!" he got up with haste, a sense of urgency In his voice while he tried to wake up the sleeping teen.

"TOBY, move, the plants need me..."

Toby knew it was coming, he got up sleepily and upset, moving toward the side as LittleAutumn  ran out. Already he was being treated badly.

So days passed, leaves fell and Martyn became more and more impatient with Toby, making the boy feel unwanted as if a pest. On the final day of autumn things were going to change...well that's what Toby said to himself.


"Not now Tobes!" Aggressive and threatening

"MARTYN. That's...enough. I have to deal with you 'Mood swings' Every second of every month of every year! Whenever we get here you-"

"MOOD SWINGS?! Toby YOU are causing the problems! I am jut doing my job! at least I got a purpose! You just SIT there winging! Why don't you just leave!"

Shattered. Stabbed. Betrayed. That's what he felt, he loved him but all he got back was hate. He left. That was there was left to do, that wasn't the Martyn he came to adore nor was it anyone he knew. So he walked away. Further and further away hoping the memories would fade faster than ever. Tomorrow snow will fall.

Martyn was left there, with the sounds of the forest filling his ears, he let out a sigh he didn't know he kept. An hour went by just him conversing with the tress asking if they needed anything for the winter and by the time he got back tot the campsite it was dark.

"One more day. Hey..where's Toby? "  The hoodied boy hadn't arrived home. He felt as if a part of him had disappeared...more leaves fell as time excruciatingly slow passed by, hours to days and days till finally the last week of was the last week but still no sign of his best friend.

Toby had ran away, in a way Martyn was right, his family had left Minecraftia but he decided to stay just...for him. He didn't really have a enjoyable hobby that he could do solo. As much as he wanted to go back he knew it would be too late besides winter is in 16 days. A temporary yet homely estate resided just outside the forest. He marked his territory with a sign with 'Toby's House' of course yet it felt wrong. After winter- he thought, after winter i will go back but for now he needs space.

In true honest fact...LittleAutumn wasn't doing very well on his own and this had..consequences. The more Martyn thought about being left alone the colder it grew and the darker it became. So soon until winter had blown over a day early. all over minecraftia people awed at the early snow and the very sudden temperature drop.

Blue hair and icy body yet this year it was a deeper blue. The wind blew harsher and it was insanely cold. LittleFrost was back, But not his usual 'cold-shoulder' personality, no- NO this was different, very different. Seconds, hours, a day went by, while yes- The people enjoyed the snow, the snow got TOO strong. Blizzards. Hail, Nothing but white fluff surrounded the people, trapping them, locking them in.

Toby knew something was wrong. The past early 8 days of winter gave him a kick in the gut. Yes- Something was very clearly wrong. Trekking....pushing himself out in the open where torrents of strong cold wind blew, He needed to find his friend. 8 days worth of Searching. Not a moment did he really sleep, he took breaks in the safety of caves, all he longed was to see Martyn again. Then he did.

Empty eyes. wait...No they weren't empty, they were filled to the brim with Loneliness. He stood above Littlefrost, who of which was tucked away crouched on the floor of their old home. 


No damn answer.

"Martyn." The blue dead eyes seemed to sparle as they flickered to see Toby.

"Toby? That...No it isn't you. You wouldn't want to be here."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I-I...Toby hates me. He wouldn't be here."

"You bloody idiot."

Martyn looked up in confusion at the 'Hallucination' still not realising it was actually the hoddied boy.

"Why wouldn't I be here for the person I love?" That was all he said before he kissed Martyn on the forehead and engulfed the icy figure. The cradled up spirit cried, and smiled as he realised what had happened and soon the storm of white cleared up.

~8 days later, Winter is back to normal.~

The boys sat cuddled up in front of a camp-fire, hot coco in hands, they started talking...

"Next year is going to be different, I promise Tobes."

"It already is, I just told you I love you."

"Ehh you could of done it in a more romantic way.."

"Shut up LittleWood."

A/N Sorry haven't updated in a while, I have been busy as well as that i will be gone for a week on a SCHOOOOOOLL TRIP. *Groans at the idea of irl social life.* -Poison

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