Chapter 1

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   Sybil stared at the streets of Moscow below her. The city never felt more alive than that snowy winter morning. The sounds of cars, street performers, and swears of pedestrians filled the air. The smell of blini, dumplings, and gasoline, a nauseating combination but a familiar one, drifted up from the restaurants below. Sybil wished she could be a part of the hustle and bustle but no, she had to stay focused. There was no time for blini when her target would be in view any moment.

   And then, she saw the flash of red. There she was, Natalia Romanova. Ex black widow agent... and Sybil's target. She put her hand on the trigger, ready to pull. Then she heard a noise that made her turn around.

   Sybil turned around and barely looked at the woman standing behind her before there was a flash of purple and everything went dark.

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   As Sybil started to regain consciousness, she heard voices around her, murmuring in Russian.

"Are you sure this was a good idea?" one of them asked, a lady with a strong Sokovian accent.

"Yes. I've wanted to get her for a while," another woman responded, "This might be our only chance."

"What if it doesn't work?" the first voice asked again.

"It will, it'll have to," the other responded.

Sybil tried to open her eyes and could briefly make out the silhouette of the woman from before and another silhouette... one with a strange sense of familiarity. She barely saw them turn to face her before her eyes got heavy and she fell unconscious again.

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