🔥 The Fire Land Story 💧

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Kindle couldn't stop looking at the pamflet in his fiery hands as Wade escorted him out of City Hall that afternoon.

Kindle sighed and folded the paper before securing it in his vest pocket.

"I'm really sorry again for... Everything." Wade said, breaking the silence between them.

Kindle closed his eyes and looked up at him.
"It's..." he hesitated. "It's okay. Thanks for trying to help back there. I kinda, lost it."

"Hey, it happens." Wade said with a smile.

He scratched his neck before talking again.

"You said that your dad built the place from the ground up, right?"

Kindle raised a brow. "Yeah?"

"Well, if... I mean, when you rebuild the shop. With permits this time," Wade warned playfully, causing Kindle to chuckle.

The water man smiled softly, noticing Kindle calming down.

"I could go to Fire Town and help you out! I worked at a construction site for... A day. But I know how to handle the material!"

Kindle's flame shined brighter, and he smiled at Wade.

"Thanks." he then looked down as he walked down the stairs, Wade following suit.

"But I don't know if my dad would accept your help. He and my mom believe that "elements don't mix", and we don't have many water, or air, or earth people visiting our shop because of it." Kindle said.

"Who says Fire and Water can't be together?" Wade said confidently.

"They do." Kindle answered, referring to his parents. "The city does too."

Wade furrowed his brows at his answer, understanding that the city didn't take fire people in mind.

"Speaking of which..." Kindle said, stopping in his tracks and looking at his surroundings. "How will I get back to... Fire Town?" he asked, worried.

"You've never left Fire Town?" Wade questioned.

"Not... this far." the fire man said hesitantly.

Wade noticed Kindle's worry and smiled tenderly at him.

"You know, my shift just ended, and I was heading home soon, so... Maybe I could take you to Fire Town?" Wade asked.

Kindle turned his head to Wade and formed a small smile. "Yeah, thanks." Kindle said.

"But keep your distance, I don't want to get extinguished." he joked. Wade chuckled as they approached the train station.


One train ride later, Kindle finally made it to Fire Town, he waved Wade goodbye before going down the station's staircase.

He hot lost in his thoughts, about the failed Red Dot Sale, the flood in the basement, and now the probability of getting the whole shop shut down. He couldn't stop blaming himself.

Kindle gasped when he noticed the shop's front door sign flipped to CLOSED.

He quickly entered with his key and closed the door before making his way down to the basement where he found his Àshfá and Àshká molding the cracks formed on various pipes on the ceiling and walls.

"Oh, no!" Kindle gasped.

He looked at his dad, standing on a ladder as he tried to close down a leaking pipe.

"Dad!" he shouted.

Bernie looked up at his son. "Kindle!"

"What happened?" Kindle asked as he headed to a broken pipe and began helping his parents out.

"We're lucky nobody was hurt!" Bernie shouted angrily. "It ruined the Red Dot Sale!"

Kindle winced. "I..." he began to say, concerned for his father's reaction.

"Did he do this?" Bernie asked with the same angry tone.

Kindle widened his eyes and looked at Bernie. "Who?" he questioned inoccently.

"That Water guy I saw you chase!"

"Oh! Uh..." Kindle hesitated to answer.

"Y-yeah, he did. He broke in through a pipe." he answered as he fixed a leak.

Kindle then placed his hands on his hips, acting casual. "I don't know why, really. I was able to close it off, but I... Um... I couldn't catch him after he left. I followed him all over town."

Bernice's flames burned higher in irritation. "Water! Always trying to water us down!"

Kindle rolled his eyes. "He was a water person, Dad. Not just water."

Bernie grunted, closing the pipe's crack. "Same thing! Why is there even water in the pipes?! The city shut it down years ago! There should be no water!"

Bernie then collapsed from the ladder in a coughing fit. "Dad!" Kindle screamed and catched him before he hit the flooded floor.

"Bernie..." Cinder said, worried.

Bernie stood up and sat down on the stairs of the basement. Cinder held his hand and stood beside him.

"We'll get through this. Just like before." she said, rubbing his back.

"Before?" Kindle asked, looking at his parents.

The couple looked at each other, and Bernie nodded to Cinder. She looked at Kindle.

"You're old enough to know; there is a reason we left Fire Land."

Kindle listened attentive.

"Oh, Kindle. It was so beautiful there. Here in Fire Town, we are the only family with a Blue Flame. But back home every family had one."

"What happened?" Kindle asked.

Cinder smiled sadly. "We had a shop." she answered.

"A beautiful shop. Your father put everything we had into that dream. But the day we were meant to open, a fierce storm hit. We managed to rescue our Blue Flame before the winds ripped through the shop. Years of work reduced to rubble."

While Cinder spoke, Bernie stood up and grabbed a mop to dry the remaining water on the floor.

"I was already pregnat with you when it happened, so we decided it was best for us to leave and start over here."

Cinder glanced at Bernie and began speaking in a lower tone. "It was the last time your father saw ever saw his family."

Cinder then looked up at Kindle while he stared at his father.

"Element City gave us what we couldn't have in Fire Land. A safe place for us to build a new dream." Cinder said, before grabbing a mop herself and helping Bernie out.

Kindle walked over to his father and gently grasped the top of the mop's handle to slow his work and get his attention.

"Àshfá, nothing will happen to our shop or the flame again. I promise."

Bernie smiled tenderly. "Good son." he said.

Kindle let go of the handle and allowed his dad to continue mopping. He took out the brochure from his vest pocket and looked at it worriedly.

"Mrs. Cumulus..." he said to himself, forming a plan in his mind.

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Pixar's Elemental - Wade Ripple x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now