The End of The Year and After

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Draco*Is packing there things*

Harry: Are you sure it's a good idea for me to stay at your manner? Your dad isn't a big fam of me...

Draco: Yes my love I'm sure. I sent them a letter and WE are very much welcome. I promise baby*Walks over and puts his hands on Harry's hips*

Harry*Wraps his arms around Draco's neck*: Okay my love, I trust you.*Kisses him on the cheek*

Draco: Oh really. Just going to leave me with that huh?

Harry*Lets go, pushes Draco backwards onto their bed, and gets in his face*: Yes I am.*Grins, winks, walks over to his case, grabs it, and walks out*

Draco: Why you little*Gets up, grabs his stuff, and goes out with Harry*

(On The Train)

Draco*Is asleep with his head in Harry's lap*

Blaize*Looks at Harry*: You know, he wouldn't bring you there if he didn't know you were 100% safe right?

Harry*Looks at Blaize and smiles*: Yeah, I know*Slowly plays with Draco's hair*

Darco*Smiles in his sleep*

Blaize: He has loved you for a long time you know.

Harry: Yeah...I just don't know-

Blaize: 3rd year...

Harry*Is a bit shocked*: Really?

Blaize: Mhm. Don't tell him I told you though. I don't wanna deal with mad Dray this early in the summer...

Harry*Giggles*: I won't tell, I promise.

(At The Station)

Blaize: Ron! *Runs over and particly tackles him*

Ron*Smiles and holds his boyfriend close*: Hello to you to my love.

Harry&Draco*Have their fingers interlocked, walking over to Draco's mom*

Narcissia: Hello my darlings, are you ready?

Draco*Smiles*: Yes mom, we are.

(At The Manner)

Lucius: Hello dear*Kisses his wife on the cheek*: Hello Draco, Potter.

Draco: Lucius.

Harry: Mr. Malfoy...

Draco: WE will be in my room. Don't. Bug. Us. *He says as he gets in his father's face*: Come on my love*Grabs Harry's hand and takes off to his room*


(In Draco's Room)

Harry*Is laying on Draco's chest*

Draco*Slowly plays with Harry's hair*: You are so cute.

Harry*Giggles*: Only to and for you my love

Draco*Smiles*: I love you.

Harry*Looks back up at Draco*: I love you too baby.

Draco*Gently rests his hand on the side of Harry's face and looks into his eyes*: So perfect...

Harry*Looks back into Draco's eyes*: Only to you love.

Draco*Edges closer*

Harry*Closes the gap kissing Darco deeply yet passionately*

Love After War/Drarry Love Story 18+/ (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя