At Hogwarts and in the dorms

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Prof McGonigal: Hello students! Not only will we be sorting the 1st years this year, but a few of the 8th years as well. Let us get this started shall we

                                                        (1hr Later)

Prof Mcgonigal: Harry Potter!

Harry*Gets up, sits on the bench, and waits*

Prof Mcgonigal*Puts the hat on Harry's head*

Sorting Hat*Whispers*: Hello again Harry.

Harry*Whispers back*: Hello.

Sorting Hat: So, are you finally taking up on my offer?

Harry: Indeed I am, so say it

Shorting Hat: Very well...SLYTHERIN!!

Prof McGonigal*Takes the hat and puts it in her head*"Good luck Mr. Potter"

Sorting Hat" He will be fine Manervra dear"

Harry*Gets up, goes down the steps, and sits with Draco and Blaize*: Told you the hat wanted me in Slytherin.

Draco" Merlen he looks good in Slytherin green"

Blaize: Dray! Snap out of it already!

Draco: Sorry...

                                                    (Later In The Dorms)

Draco*Is sitting by the window*" I can't believe it..."

Harry*Walks over and sits next to him*: Can't sleep either?

Draco: Yeah, are-

Harry: We are the only ones up.

Darco: Okay..*Looks at him and smiles*

Harry: What?*Smiles back*

Draco: I...Got you something*Opens the window*

Harry: You what?

Snowy Owl*Flys in the window and lands on Draco's leg*

Draco: He is yours now. Headwig had some siblings so I found one of them for you

Harry*Eyes fill with tears as he pets the owl*: Have you named him yet?..

Draco: Yeah, it's Hero but you can change it if-

Harry*Hugs Draco tightly*: It's perfect, thank you...

Hero*Jumps onto the floor*" Kiss already damn it"

Draco*Smiles and hugs him back*: You're welcome Harry

Harry*Lets go and softly pets Hero*

Hero*Nuzzles his hand and then flys back out the window*

Harry: Thank you Dray...**Looks at him*

Draco*Lightly blushes*: you are most welcome Harry

Harry*Gets up, sits in Draco's lap, and snuggles close to him*: Please don't tell anyone I did this okay...*Wraps his arms around Draco's neck*

Draco*Blushes but smiles and holds Harry close*: Okay, I won't but why-

Harry: I don't know...I wanted to, and it felt right...*Reses his head in the crease of Draco's neck*: It still does

Draco*Is speechless*: I promise I won't tell anyone.

Harry*Whispers*: Thank you...

Draco:...Hold on to me.

Harry*Without thinking twice, he tightens his grip around Draco's neck*" He is most likely taking me to my bed already..."

Draco*Stands up holding Harry close. He goes over to his bed, and lays Harry down but lays next to him close, uses his wand to shut the curtains around the bed then whispers*: There, is that more comfortable?

Harry*snuggles as close as he can*: Mhm

Draco: Okay...*Gently rests his head on top of Harry's*: Goodnight Harry.

Harry: Goodnight Dray*Nuzzles into Draco's chest and slowly falls asleep*

Draco: I love much...and you will never know...*Kisses Harry on top of his head then closes his eyes finally falling asleep*

(The Next Day)

Blaize*Has been looking at Draco with an evil grin on his face*

Draco: You. Saw. Nothing. You hear me.

Blaize: Relax. I am the only one who saw, and I'm not going to tell anyone Dray.

Harry*Walks up behind Blaize and grabs his shoulders tight*: You better not.

Blaize*Goes almost as pail as Draco*: I won't...I promise...

Harry: Good.

Draco*Is as red as a tomato*" Oh no...He's hot"

Harry*Looks at Draco and grins then whispers*: Never gets better than that

Blaize*Whispers back*: Nope.

Harry: Oh, Blaize look! Ron's new owl!

Blaize*Jumps up and runs upstairs to read the letter*

Harry*Goes over to Draco and whispers*: Now it's just you and me*Hugs Draco from behind*

Draco*Holds Harry's arms at the base of his neck*: Indeed we are

Harry" Heh, he doesn't know I heard him last night"*Smiles and whispers*:So, How long did you plan on hiding your love for me hm?

Draco*Eyes widen*: How did you...

Harry*Whispers*: I heard what you said last night 

Draco: Oh I-

Harry*Softly kisses him on the cheek*: You should know that you are the reason I changed my house.

Draco*Gently squeezes Harry's arms*: I am...

Harry: Mhm~

Draco*Stands up and looks at Harry*" Beautiful eyes..."

Harry*Looks up at Draco*: What?

Draco*Pulls Harry close by his hips*: May I?

Harry*Lightly blushes but smiles*: Yes you may.

Draco*Kisses him softly yet passionately*

Harry*Kisses him back just the same*

Draco*Stops and looks into Harry's eyes*: Harry...*Notices the time*: Shit we have to get to class!

Harry: Crap, your right.*Hugs him close*"Thank you"*Lets go of Draco*: We better get going*Goes to turn around*

Draco*Grabs Harry's arm pulls him in, and kisses him once more*

Harry*Eyes widen but soon shut, kissing him back*

Draco*Stops smiles and interlocks their fingers*: Now we can go.

Harry*Smiles and looks up at him once more*: Yes we can.

Love After War/Drarry Love Story 18+/ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now