Holiday Fun 😉

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(In The Great Hall)

Harry*Is slowly eating but still has an eyepatch over his eye*"Oh he is going to have a fit if he finds out. "

Draco*Is sitting between Harry and Blaize*"Take. It. Off"

Blaize" He is going to be pissed"*Is doing a horrible job at hiding the fear on his face*

Draco*Looks at Harry, then to Blaize*"Okay. I know that look.": Harry. Can we talk outside please?

Harry & Blaize" Shit..."

Harry: Of course we can*Gets up*

Draco*Gets up, grabs Harry's hand, and takes him outside into the courtyard*

Harry*Is still holding Draco's hand*: What do you-

Draco: Take it off*Turns and looks at Harry*

Harry: What...

Draco: Take the mask off...Please*Gently rests his hand on the left side of Harry's face*

Harry*Sighs and takes Draco's hand into his*: You can't get mad...Okay. *Takes the mask off but keeps his eye closed, only showing the new scar on his face*: Happy?

Draco*Grips Harry's hand tightly*: Open your eye please...I won't be mad I promise just show me baby.

Harry*Slowly opens his eye which has little to no color left to it. Is now a very light green that looks almost white instead of a dark emerald green *

Draco*Eyes widen*: What...

Harry: A... Piece of the bludger cut my eye open and severed a nerve... I no longer have sight in my left eye... About 2 feet to my left I won't be able to see you.

Draco*Steps about 4 feet to Harry's left and then he steps behind him*

Harry*Gets a bit nervous*: Dray... Where did you go?

Draco*Hugs him from behind*: I'm right here baby...

Harry*Jumps a little*: Sorry...*Lays his head back onto Draco and puts his hands over Draco's arms*: I told you

Draco*Kisses him on the cheek*: I'm not mad. Just a little upset you didn't show me sooner...*Turns Harry around and puts his hands on Harry's hips*: You still look as handsome as ever

Harry*Smiles*: I'm glad you think so my love*Puts his arms around Draco's neck*

Draco*Smiles, pulls Harry close, and lightly kisses him on the cheeks and forehead over and over again*

Professor McGonagall*Sighs*: Young love. Beautiful yet distracting. I hope this doesn't stop them from their studies over the holidays*Has been watching them from her office window*

Sorting Hat: You were just the same Minerva my dear.

Professor McGonagall: I won't deny that.

Draco*Does little kisses on Harry's nose and cheeks*

Harry*Giggles*: Dray Dray, you are so lovey dovey today. More than normal

Draco: Because I can love on you in peace without the other Slytherins bugging me.

Harry: Yeah, they do bug you about us a lot don't they

Draco: It's crazy how much they bug me. *Looks into Harry's eyes*: But now I can love on you all holiday brake without them bugging me. 

Harry: Except for Blaize.

Draco: ...He is sleeping on the couch in the common room.

Harry: You forgot about him didn't you. 

Love After War/Drarry Love Story 18+/ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now