Cat Boys

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We were hiding in a dark, dirty and annoyingly dump alley, we had no choice. All we had to do was wait for them to leave... simple right? Well... no when they have damn german shepherds that are VERY familiar with our smell, we just hoped that the smell of trash would cover ours... right when we thought they were going to leave, the man... well, not man... let's say boy, turned to our hiding spot, we were luckily not visible from his perspective but he said something that made our blood run cold.

"Let's check in here, if I were them I would hide in here."

I hate that guy, he knew me way too well... he fortunately didn't know Artemis as much as me so most of the time I follow their advice, but this time they had no ideas so I had to think of something... the boy entered alley accompanied by a shorted girl and two dogs... our tails tangled in fear and our ears were up trying to pick up any sound, eyes darted everywhere around us trying to find a way out of this nightmare but with no avail... the steps grew closer and closer...


We were all taken aback by this sudden call for help, but we both thanked every single god we could think of in that moment.

The two catchers ran out the alley followed by the two shepherds to this short person who couldn't have been older than 17... they explained that there were two cat monsters chasing his mother around the city. At first we were confused and worried for the woman, however, when the catchers asked them to describe the two creatures our worries disappeared and replaced by utter confusion, because it was an obvious lie to us, the person was describing us.

"A blue cat with white skin wearing a large black hoodie and black shorts, torn light blue socks and black sandals... it had a ribbon of the same color in his hair and the other cat was a bit more particular... they had red hair but his ears and tail were dark grey, almost black-" the shorter got interrupted by the taller catcher.

"It's them!" He said, the person pointed in the direction this "threat" was happening and the catcher patrol ran off. But the boy stood there watching in the direction of our hiding spot.

"You can come out now..." At first we didn't want to... but they did save us... so we came out after a bit.

Artemis was the first to come out, I followed not too long after, we didn't get too close... we still could not trust them.

"Hii!" They said, it sounded quite friendly, which caught us off guard, usually when somebody saves us they want us to do something for them and most certainly never sound like that.

"Uhm... hello..? Who are you and why did you help us?" I asked, still very confused.

"Oh! My bad, you can call me Rikku! How about you guys?" We were hesitant to introduce ourselves, we still didn't know this Rikku person's intentions.

"I'd appreciate if you called me Artemis..."

"I prefer keeping my name a secret... for you safety."

"Okay! And yes, I know you guys are "wanted criminals" even if basically nobody knows about that here." That... was surprising, we have never been in an area where they didn't know about us... but that raised another question, how did Rikku know?

"How do you know about us then?" Artemis asked, Rikku got nervous all of a sudden. Both of us found that suspicious.

"Well... while I was in my parkour class, our teacher heard me and my... friend, talk about how much we liked cats and thought how cool monster cats are he decided to open a debate about something, and the topic was... you guys... he told us to do as much research about you guys and then present to the class why it's fair for monsters to be treated in such way."

Interesting... that was certainly not what I expected... even if I had absolutely no idea what "parkour" is supposed to be.

"Oh... and what do you think about it, do you think it's fair?"

"I don't. It never made sense to me... you guys feel the exact same emotions as we do! Most of you even have magic! Wait... do you guys have magic?" Rikku was getting off topic, but neither of us minded, we liked this conversation, it had been a long time since we had a positive interaction with a human.

"We don't... but we have, fortunately for us, similar capabilities as normal cats, plus the ability to turn into one." Artemis replied, Rikku's eyes twinkled.

"You can turn into real cats?! Let me see! Let me see!" They said excitedly.

We looked at each other and nodded, Artemis was the first one to turn into a cat... an adorable turquoise cat with big sky blue eyes.

Then it was my turn to morph into a cat, I turned into a red cat with a pink-ish underbelly and different colored eyes: one blue, one of a lighter red than the fur.

Rikku got closer to us so he could pet me, but right at that moment the catchers came back. I went to hide, Artemis did not.

Rikku yelped.

"Oh... sorry, kid, we didn't mean to scare you, we just came back to know exactly where you mother was because we couldn't find her..." The shorter girl replied.

"Who's that little guy?" The taller asked suspicious of Artemis' disguise.

"Uhmm... this is my cat!... his name is Lipto..." Rikku replied nervously, the two catchers stared at "Lipto" for a little bit, Artemis acted super friendly just like housecats do.

"May I ask for your last name, kid? We need to file a threat report." The girl gently asked, my heart dropped and I'm sure Artemis and Rikku's did too.

"What?- why?"

"Because these two monsters you just described are very dangerous criminals, if they wander around this neighborhood we must send a team to patrol the area." She explained.

"My last name is Ortiz..."

"And your full name?" Rikku gulped but decided to cooperate anyways.

"Rikku Oscar Ortiz Melendez..."

"And your mother's..?"

"Rachel Aliyah Melendez Cardenas..." The girl smiled.

"Thank you kid, you're free to go." Artemis ran didn't move, he didn't want to leave me here, we promised each other to never leave each other's side no matter what.

Rikku left and luckily, so did the catchers and their dogs.

After a while Rikku came back, me and Artemis were already back into our normal forms, it was better if we don't use the animal forms too much otherwise those stupid german shepherds ate going to get used to that smell too.

"That was close..." The shorter boy commented.

"Agreed, Artemis, let's get moving."

"It was nice meeting you, R-"

"Wait!.. let me come with you!.."

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