Bonus Chapter

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I remember the day I was captured... the day I lost my life, my world, my everything, it was horrible... I was horrified, lost, angry, confused, I didn't know what to do I had my children taken away from me... my little clouds, I can still hear their high pitched screams sometimes, it hurts... it hurts so much...

I could have saved them, I could have ran away with them in my arms, but I chose to fight... I chose dignity over my babies... what kind of mother am I?! So if Meghus is listening... please make your wind carry my words to my children... I said to myself in a language no human luckily could understand yet, to them, it was the equivalent to listening to a goat speaking, humans are not that smart, but they are cruel. I titled my head upwards and opened my jaw in an awe, it had been so long since I've seen the beautiful sky, it filled my heart with hope and I couldn't help but smile.

The cage I was in would slightly shake every time the carriage hit a more run down part of the road, people would watch me struggle to stay in a composed position as I kept falling to the ground, it was so hard for me, especially since I wasn't allowed to eat more than a specific amount every week, and let me tell you, it was basically nothing so people would stare at my body thinking I was a walking corpse, even I thought I was going to be buried alive for my looks at some point.

People would laugh at her, she wasn't as scary as a demon or rare as a phoenix, or as cute as a cat, she was weak... part of a common species, who still hasn't found a owner and still tried to run away from the city but never managed.

She was seen as a failure, laughing stock, an object, nothing.

I can't remember how long it took to get there, but I remember entering a ginormous fortress, inside it was the most beautiful building I've ever seen in the human world. Columns adorned with gold, archways everywhere... and a throne... somebody was sitting on that throne, it was the king, King Louis I.

The king looked at me with the most condescending look I've ever seen somebody make, I bowed down hoping he wouldn't make me his next meal.

Is this it? Is this all you could find?

The King said annoyed, one of the the people who brought me began shaking, their face went completely pale.

Look at it, it so skinny it looks like it's about to die. What am I supposed to do with a dead monster?

I simply sat down not really caring about standing up anymore, there was no use in that anyways. One of the people took a step forward and fearfully spoke:

W- we figured that maybe a monster like this would make you look a lot stronger... a- after all everybody knows that your majesty is s- stronger than anybody... we just thought t- that since it worked with his clarity m- maybe it c- coul-

The younger was ridely interrupted by the king's angry shouting.

What does my son have to do with this!? Just because it worked out the first time it doesn't mean you can just be lazy and not do your job properly! And, to remind you. When your father brought in the other one, my son was a baby, of course it worked out! These monsters are only good from protecting small children from the cold! Are you suggesting that I look like a baby to you!?

You certainly act like one... I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. The poor boy looked like he was about to cry, he seemed new to his job... I remember his father, he was the one who captured me. I also remember taking care of this boy when mine was taken away, so I kind of feel bad for him... kind of.

The king calmed down and took a very deep, annoyed sigh and looked at me up and down one more time.

I guess another servant won't do me any harm... but next time, next time something like this happens, I won't be so kind. Understood?

The hunters fearfully nodded and waited for their next order.

Bring it where the other cages are, I'll see what I can do with... this thing.

And with that, the hunters bowed down and quickly brought me to the servants' wing of the castle.

This was actually supposed to be the prologue, but then I realized that having a prologue didn't make any sense for this book so yeah I'm not deleting this because it took 45 minutes to write <3

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