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I was running to the Prince Inpu's chambers, I was late for my morning duties... it has never happened before... how was I going to explain this to his clarity? Oh no... once I finally arrived to the bedroom door using the secret passages Inpu opened the door and stared at me with and annoyed look, I know that look... it's the look he gives me whenever I do something wrong...

I bow down as usual but his clarity was not happy at all.

"Get up, we have work to do. Did you at least wake up Magnus?"

I gulp and flatten my already floppy ears, it doesn't take him long to realize I hadn't.

"M- my sincere apologies my prince..."

"Just go wake her up, and be quick."

I nodded and ran as fast as I was allowed to and got there in no time, his clarity was waiting for me on the other side of the hall. I gently knocked on her grace's door checking if she was already awake. She was, she opened the door, she seemed calmer than her brother.

"Oh, morning Bryan." She greeted me, she was strangely in a good mood today.

"Morning, Magnus! Did you dream about stabbing Sir Lambert today?" I said jokingly, she laughed and we walked over to Inpu. He still seemed annoyed.

"Oh come on, Inpy don't be like that! Mistakes happen to us all the time, you know Bryan is a monster after all, he has so many duties to fulfill, just like we do!" I looked down trying to look as apologetic as I possibly could, Prince Inpu is under so much pressure right now, I don't want to irritate him any further...

So we all went to the library to find more books for their research, I don't really like Inpu's idea though... looking for the Book of the Dead seems like a bad idea to me, death is something that should not be played with...

I stood there in silence waiting for my next order, as soon as I was allowed to roam freely I went to look for books that would give his clarity at least a hint about the locations of said books, I found a book about the Nordic Book of the Dead... wait... Nordic..? I thought there was only an Egyptian one! I took the book and brought it to Inpu and Magnus.

"Did you find anything, Bryan?" Her Grace asked as I nodded excitedly, this caught Inpu's attention, he took the book from me and began reading it.

"This is perfect! Good job, Bryan." I felt so proud of myself, I like pleasing Inpu, it makes me feel... complete...

We all sat down, my little tail was wagging profusely and I couldn't help but smile, when Magnus saw I was very happy she petted my head, I usually don't let people do that though, but I was too happy to care.

As Inpu read through the book, it explained where to find it... and I didn't like it one bit.

Prince Inpu was about to read the location of said book, when Sir Lambert came in looking for the two royals.

"There is more than one Book of the Dead!" Sir Lambert said, Magnus and Inpu nodded.

"We also just found out about that, Xylo... did you find out more information about the books?" Inpu asked.

"Indeed I did, I found out there is a Greek one." The royals and I were shocked by this discovery... now there were three Books of the Dead we knew about.

"Ah yes... Bryan, could you please leave us alone for a bit? I'm sure you have some errands to run." Prince Inpu said, I nodded, I was a bit annoyed because I wanted to listen, but I don't want to disobey master... so I left and went to the throne room where I found something very concerning...

The king... was coughing blood...

I immediately ran over to him.

"Y- your majesty!?" King Anubis just looked at me tiredly, I helped him sit down on his chair, this was the first time he has every let me get this close, let alone touch him...

"My king... what happened..? Did someone attack you? Where are your guards?" I asked so many questions the poor man had a hard time keeping track of all of them.

"Bryan... calm down... nobody attacked me, the guards just went to get me a doctor to see what's wrong with me this time." The king coughed loudly again.

"'This time'..? has this happened before..? How come I've never noticed..."

"Yes, yes I have... and I didn't want anybody to notice... especially my children... they need a strong parental figure in their lives I cannot show them weakness..."

"But why..? Maybe they can help you! They are always doing research so maybe they can find something to help you!"

"It's better this way... I'm sure Inpu is going to be ready to take my place as the new king."

"My lord..."

"It's okay... this is how life goes, Bryan, life and death are both beautiful... there's no need to be sad for me, I'll be in the afterlife."

"But... don't you want to live longer?"

"I would just to stay with my children, but we must not interfere with the perfect balance that is life and death." And with that, King Anubis ended the conversation.

I helped King Anubis get to his chambers and went to finish my morning tasks... but I couldn't get that conversation out of my head...

Sorry I couldn't post yesterday! I'm on a cruise ship so I can't always have access to wi-fi, but at least I posted the bonus chapter so it was fine-ish? I'm sorry! Also I don't think I'll be able to post daily so ye-

And for the people who didn't read the warnings and still comment "character uses a different type of pronoun", I know, it is intentional, they will come out later in the story, I don't want to say this with malice, but I want to avoid saying this over and over :,)

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