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Dedede's eyes blurried with each blink, slowing even more as time went by. His mouth was slightly ajar and he looked unfocused, lightheaded. In such a beautiful day outside, it was almost torturous that he had to stay inside and do work.

The silk curtains swayed with the wind as words jumbled in his head. The only thing he wanted was leave everything and go take a swim at the Fountain of Dreams or something. But the never-ending towers of work to be overseen cackled at his wishful thinking.

A familiar ache went relentless at his shoulder blade and that was the thing that, ultimately, put a pause on his work. The pen rested in its support since what felt like an eternity and he slouched against the leather chair.

His eyes wandered through the room he wasn't usually in. Bookshelves filled with content he doesn't quite recall, a red velvet rug, and despite the natural light and lamps, the place felt oddly dark. Untimely, they landed on his own desk, loose sheets and paper clips scattered everywhere, and a couple of piles with documents and firms and taxes, salaries, rents...

He turned 180º and faced the big window behind him. A privileged vision of his kingdom, much needed before he could start feeling sick at the mere sight of responsabilities and deadlines.

With spring rolling around the corner, flowers blooming and the sun shining brighter than ever, Dreamland seemed even more vivid. He couldn't help but catch sight of the various rainbow flags, waving freely with the wind, coming in all sizes and even different shapes. They sprinkled the town with even more color, the sheer quantity surprised him and filled his chest with a different kind of pride.

Two methodical knocks on the door sound before it creaks open, Dedede didn't react.

"Your Highness," That familiar voice with a foreign accent spoke, sounding sweet in his ears.

"Y'know how I know it's you?" He turned on his chair, finally facing his knight in shining armor "You always knock twice, and y'don't say anythin' else."

Meta Knight simply huffs, unable to argue against these accusations "Three knocks are excessive. What am I, creating a rhythm?" He closes the door behind him before reaching for something in his dimensional cape "Were you slacking off again?"

All the fondness, down the drain, just like that "Hey, I was working 'till you came in here, ya can't gimme that!"

"Of course," There was little honesty in his words "I collected what you have requested me to."

"Oh, great, more paperwork for me." Dedede didn't bother masking the salt in his words, much less leaning to grab the pile of sheets from his knight's petite hands "Lovely gift, Meta Knight, thanks a bunch."

His sire looked adamant in keeping his arms crossed, — that's just how annoyed he was! — so the puffball resorted into letting the papers in a corner of his very busy desk.

"Simply doing my job, sire." He wrapped himself in his cape, as it was custom.

But King Dedede caught sight of how Meta Knight's eyes looked past the documents, past him. He turned around to see that same beautiful paradisical scenery he watched a moment ago.

"Admiring the view? 'T gets even prettier when it's night and starry, tell ya what."

Like breaking off a trance, Meta Knight flinches "It does look marvelous."

Dedede sighs and leans forward, he figured he wouldn't get elaboration without being direct about it "Alright, what're you thinkin' about?"

There was a second of hesitation "...I've noticed town residents hanging up rainbow striped flags. I saw them thorough the castle as well, and couldn't help but see you also have two other flags displayed in this room." His eyes flick towards a pencil holder storing, indeed, two small flags "Are they Dreamlandian flags, by any chance?"

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