
I don't get it

Brad seems to get it
He winks at me

Now I am confused

ME: You brought deodorant to a gala? Are you two planning on dancing that much?
FIONA: No, these are for us to spray on the cameras so we don't get caught.
BRAD: It was my idea.

I still don't get it

JO: Getting caught for what, this is a company event. We were invited here.

Finally, someone who makes sense

FIONA: Oh, come on, you know this isn't JUST a company event. This is so much bigger than that.

Right, because it's me and Brad's first date
Fate, remember?

FIONA: Trust me, come with us and you'll see. This is going to be so much fun.
CLAIRE: I'm in!
FIONA: Yes! What about you Jo?
JO: Well... it does sound fun.
FIONA: Lina?

Dancing with Brad sounded way more fun

But I guess if Jo is going, maybe I should too?
She is a pretty reliable person; she wouldn't have said yes if she didn't think it was safe...


I am so undecided right now

BRAD: Come on, we don't have much time left. We need to go now.

Where you lead, I follow Brad

Fiona gives each of us some deodorant spray
I have apricot smell
Brad has citrus, my favorite

Claire has the unscented one
I laugh

We follow Fiona and Brad to the lobby
We arrive at the bottom of this massive staircase

The kind of staircase you only see in movies, like Titanic; when Jack meets Rose in first class?
Maybe Brad could be my Jack and I could be his Rose
Only I am not gonna let him die

I look at him again
Why does he look so familiar??

I then look at the rest of the group all scattered across the staircase
Everyone is spraying cameras, except me

Something just doesn't feel right
I have a really bad feeling about this

But also
I have no interest in being part of a deodorant-spraying gang or whatever this is

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