Chapter Twenty Four - They Saved Me

Depuis le début

"Well now that he left, we have to pick out something on our own. I was kinda hoping he would tell us where to go!" Derek did his nervous laugh.

"Didn't you come here for like a year? Shouldn't you know this stuff already?" John asked

"Correction, I came here for half a year, and its your first semester of college, you don't exactly get to go out all the time." Derek's face got hard. "I'm going to go over and ask him where to go." As he walks out the door, John opens his arms. I walk over to him and he wraps me up in a big hug.


"Yes, Abs?"

"Why are you here? Not that I'm not happy you're here, but why are you?"

"My mom gave me my birthday present early." I just busted out laughing. John's birthday wasn't for another three months, but Mama Meyers has always known how much we both have wanted to travel. Her sending him here was her version of helping us do that.

"Gosh, I love your mother."

"Don't we all!" I bust out laughing at that because it is very true.

"But the time I tell you what just happened, you won't be laughing." Derek says, walking in the door with a depressed look on his face. I instantly sober up, and stay tucked into John's side. Right when I was about to ask Derek what he was talking about, she showed up in the door way.

"So, this is why you dumped me. You were to busy fooling around with her." Danielle said, putting her hand on her hips, and staying put in the doorway. Casey appears behind her with an apologetic look on his face.

"I tried to stop her, sorry," Casey says, pushing his way into the apartment.

"So, honestly, she's the reason that you broke up with me?" John tightens his arm around me.

"She's only part of the reason. Yes, I absolutely love her now, but at the time, that's a different story. You are the main reason that I broke up with you. You are a selfish person that only cares about yourself and what others think about you. The only reason that you dated me to begin with was to make more people like you, and to 'climb the social ladder.' That is the reason that I broke up with you. You are the reason I broke up with you. Not Abby. She's better than you ever will be though." After his little speech, he leans down and kisses me.

"I don't believe that you think that. I can't believe that you like her. This is just crazy. You all are nuts." Danielle then runs out of the apartment and slams the door. No one speaks for a while, we're all just surprised that that just happened. Casey is the first one to speak up.

"So.... How about that diner now?" We all just bust out laughing. Happy that we can put that behind us. "I have a perfect idea where to go. But we all gotta get dressed up more. Not to fancy, but fancier." We all nod and leave to go get ready.

20 mins later, we are all ready to go and waiting for Derek.

"I can't believe that he's the one we are waiting for," Casey laughs.

"He always takes the longest to get ready," I laugh.

"I just think it's funny because he takes longer than you, and usually it's the girl that takes the longest." I look down at outfit. I'm wearing a white loose tank top, leggings and a brown jacket. My hair is up, braided back into a bun, and I'm actually wearing make-up.

"Well, I'm good looking already, him on the other hand. That's a completely different story."

"Hey! I'm good looking! I just take long because I enjoy looking the very best I can." I only laugh at that. His hair is purposely messy and his white shirt is rolled up and tucked in. Everyone just laughs at him as we make our way to Casey's car.

"You look beautiful," John whispers in my ear as we get settled in the car, Casey and Derek in the front, John and I in the back.

"Thanks," I blush. "You don't look to bad yourself, Blue." He's wearing his white shirt, rolled up at the elbows, and tucked in. He looks amazing, and I can't believe that he's mine. I lean in to kiss him.

"KEEP IT PG BACK THERE!" Casey yells. I only laugh and tell him to keep his eyes on the road. Every one of these boys are wearing white shirts with rolled up sleeves and then all have them tucked in. I laugh as I notice this and point it out to John.

"Only because sexy minds think alike!" I laugh really hard at this and get excited when we pull over. The restaurant we are going to is a fancy little house on the water.

We are soon sitting and waiting for our food. As we're waiting, I notice one thing. That these guys have made my life 100% better. They have saved me from going completely crazy.


I hope ya'll like it(:


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