The Explanation

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Ever since Jasper had returned from his hunt with Esme, and his hunger satisfied temporarily, Alice was acting strange, glancing in his direction with a mixture of curiosity and distrust.

The emotions of confusion, intrigue, slight anger and pain were poorly masked. This confused him, in the hour and 47.392 minutes he and Esme had been gone for, something had happened.

A vision perhaps? One unsettling in nature, or plagued with horror could be the reason she was shaking with trepidation.

The last month had been like this, a dance of avoidance and mystery.
He could never talk to her, as Alice was keeping herself occupied and would run away when he approached.

She wandered outside, behind the house and made her way to the woods.

He followed, eager but anxious for what could happen.

After several minutes of strolling at a human pace, she sped up, changing direction constantly and moving with uncertainty.

They stopped, side by side, at the edge of a grove.

"What is wrong, Alice?"


" Darlin' what is it? A vision? Is it something that happened last month?"

There was a few seconds of silence. Awkward silence.

"Roman Godfrey"

That was his answer, one that he thought he would never hear again.
What did Roman do? What had happened to Alice for her to learn his name?

"What about 'im?" He questioned, his southern accent slipping through.

From her navy coat, she withdrew an envelope, crisp white and blending in with the winter snow.

He reached for the letter, the familiar feel of silk like paper weighing next to nothing.

His name.
Two leaflets of quality paper.
Roman's elegant penmanship and precise wording.
His mate.
Roman had found happiness.

And a wedding invite.
Accompanied with the normal threat.


"Explain!" Her voice was melodic and light as usual, only the abnormality of the word's tone, like a knife, sharp and lethal.

"We met during my years with Maria, I'd gone out hunting alone, barely 2 years old.
He smelt of death, and blood naturally, he screamed danger silently, something about his human appearance was fatal.
I offered the human I had caught, an excuse to run from him."

Flashback Start

"Why are you here boy?" The voice was low and sounded sofisticated, something made him answer. The green orbs of the being where hypnotic.

" I was thirsty" Stupid! Maria is going to starve and torture me for not killing him.

I could only step back, releasing my hold on my prey. An offering.

"Who do you fight for?"


"Don't die boy" The stranger turned

"Jasper" The reply was instinctual.

" Call me Roman, Major"
And Roman was gone.
Quenching his thirst and burning the body, he ran back to Maria, not one word of the visitor fell from his lips.

Flashback End

"I would meet him again, several times over the next few decades.
Slowly becomming friends, helped me out of a few difficult situations. Settled down in Hemlock Grove about 30 years ago.
Fought with him against the Voturi once, just us."

Alice's face was one of shock as she processed what Jasper had told her. A million thoughts rushed through her brain, she was desperate to say something.

"How old is he?"
Jasper paused, he did not truly know.

" Physically, around 19, how long has he been immortal for? I don't know, he's old though, older than Carlisle"

" When do we tell the oth-"
Jasper's phone started to ring, he froze as he glanced at the contact name.


"Hello Jasper"

Roman's voice reached his ears, a baritone that held the weight of thousands of years of wisdom, only the emotion in his words astounded him.

In all the years Jasper had known him, Roman never showed emotion, so to not hear his monotone was unusual.

"Are you attending my wedding?" He glanced at Alice, she nodded.

"Yes, I am uncertain if the others are though."

"They do not know?"

"No, Alice found out today"

The line went dead.

"Did h-"


Alice had never seen someone move with such speed, no vampire could move that fast.

A blur of black and white rammed into Jasper, who seemed to embrace the blur, as the blur and Jasper stood still, Alice could now see who had ran into her husband.

Standing a few inches taller than Jasper, with forest green eyes, a playful smirk and mousy brown hair, was Roman Godfrey.

Next to Roman glued to his side, was his fiancèè, Adelaide.

Unlike Roman, Adelaide was around her height, with long wavy ebony hair, ice blue irises, and full red lips.

" You must be Alice, I am Roman and this is my finaceè, Adelaide "

" Wonderful to meet you"

Was her reply, Adelaide was the one who spoke next, her voice was soft, and sounded like sweet honey.

" Nice to meet you too, Alice"

"What are you?" Asking the question was like a reflex, they both looked human, and she could hear their beating hearts, but they reeked of blood, death and danger.


Upir where a vampiric species, the oldest around, having angelic appearances and flowing blood made them identical to humans. They where famed with an unsatfiable hunger for fresh blood and human flesh.


A disembodied voice called.



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