Cahpter IV

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The next day rolls around and it's the same routine, Emily comes over earlier then she needs to, we do our make, get dressed, take photos then post them.

I still haven't gone shopping for clothes so I'm just throwing together whatever I have and honestly my outfits are great haha

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I still haven't gone shopping for clothes so I'm just throwing together whatever I have and honestly my outfits are great haha. We are now on our way back to the track, we head to the paddock and go to the vip section and sit down, I'm really hoping I don't see Charles today. Someone taps me on my shoulder I turned around and it's someone I've never seen before, "Would you please follow me miss." I look at Emily confused while we both get up and follow her, before I realise she's taking us to the Ferrari garage and I roll my eyes, look I like Charles but I just don't want a relationship after Kai. Charles finally sees us and comes, "Good morning mesdames" he smiles at us, "Morning." I said with a small closed lipped smile, Emily however had the biggest smile on her face, "Oh my god, I can't believe I'm in here again," she's literally beaming with happiness. We get given a pair of headphones each just as the practice was starting, Charles leaves to go get ready fully and in the car.

The day ends and he actually did well he got P7 in practice 3 and P2 in qualifying but he gets a penalty and ends up in P6 instead. Still a good day for him the race will be interesting tomorrow, he gets out of the car and comes over to me, "you did better today." I say with a smile, "Thank you. So I never got a message last night." "Yeah well I didn't want to message you." "Why not?" "Look you seem like a great guy but I didn't move here to start anything with anyone." "Okay then. Friends!" I roll my eyes this guy is unbelievable but I have to give it to him for trying, "Fine, friends." I say with a small smile, meanwhile he has the biggest smile I've ever seen him have in the 2 whole days I've known him. I don't know what I've got myself into this might be interesting. We didn't stay for much longer after that, Emily and I left she at one point decided she'll being staying at mine tonight which is cool I do have a spare room so she can stay in there.

As I'm laying in bed scrolling on my phone and contemplating on whether or not to actually text Charles, I did keep the note he gave him I grab it off my bedside table and just look at it for probably a good 2 minutes before I actually decided to put his number in my phone and message him.

Hey Charles, it's Scarlett.

Hey! You actually messaged me.

Yeah, well we are 'friends' I guess.

Not going to lie that kind of hurts me.

I laugh at his message mainly just because I know that he actually is hurt a little bit but I also know he'll get over.

Oh poor baby, get over it.

What if I don't want to?

Honestly I don't care 😂

Yeah it's a little mean but I don't actually mean it, that's what I'm starting to like about him I know he can take my jokes even though we haven't known each for very long, I can already tell he's knows when I'm joking and that I will probably become good friends with him, friends and that's it I just hope he knows that as well.

Fine, I'm over it 😂 anyways what you doing?

Honestly about to fall asleep, so goodnight.

Wait before you do can I have you instagram?

Ah fine I guess. @scarlettbell.

Thank you, and a goodnight ma belle

I have no idea what he just said to me so I quickly translate it and turns out he called me beautiful, I blush a little bit, then put my phone on charge and go to sleep ready for the race tomorrow, I can't wait to see my first ever F1 race.

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